Sunday, May 22, 2016

LAST Week in Room 33! May 23-27

I really cannot believe we have made it to the last week of 5th grade! I am going to miss this class SO much!!! We have a lot of fun end-of-year things happening this week in addition to completing our countdown to 6th grade with a fun surprise each day. 

Here is a quick glimpse of our last week together:

Monday- We are excited to welcome the middle school "Flight Crew" as they give 3 presentations to our 5th graders! We will also reflect on our writing portfolios & celebrate our DARE essays. Have your student show you all of their hard work when they bring these home! We will discuss how much we have learned and progressed as writers. Ask your students what they have noticed in their writing from the beginning of the year to the end of the year. 

Tuesday- 5th Grade Party at Vetta! 

Wednesday- We will share our causes of the American Revolution skits, Genius Hour projects and celebrate our reading achievements.

Thursday- We will have our final Home Run Club of the year! We will also have our final ALEKS Pie Party for those who met their ALEKS goals. We are hoping to spend time cleaning out our cubbies and meeting with our buddies. 

Friday- Last day of school and half day! There will be NO lunch served. We will have our last assembly and Concord's "Fly Up" day. As new 6th graders, students will get an extra recess as I meet the new, upcoming 5th graders! 

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed seeing some key words found in this week's plan: Monday - "Celebrate"; Tues - "Party"; Wed - "Celebrate"; Thurs - "Party"; Fri - "Last day of school" What more could a kid want at school?! Thank you, Mrs. Schafer, for a very successful, fun, and rewarding school year for all of these kids you taught and mentored. Tyler has learned so much this year and enjoyed being in your class. Have a great summer!
