Friday, December 21, 2012

Keep in Touch Over Break!

Thank you so very much for all who helped make our winter party a success! :)

Students and Parents- Please send a picture from your winter break to our Flickr page! This way, we can still "keep in touch" over break. Here are the steps:

1-Email the picture from either a mobile device or a computer to:

2- The subject of your email should be your name and your description should be included in the body of the email along with your picture.

3- Go to our class Flickr page to see everyone's picture and captions. Don't forget to comment! 

Have a wonderful, relaxing, fun-filled, and safe holiday break! See you all in 2013!!!!

Note to Parents: Over break please ask your student if he/she is out of dry-erase markers, pencils, or other school supplies. Please help your child replenish any necessary materials for when they come back in January. Thank you!

-Mrs. Schaefer

Wednesday, December 19, 2012


Today, the fifth grade went caroling in the morning. After that we had a pizza party. Don't forget to bring a picture book,blankets, and pillows for the tent party and that we have our Winter Party tomorrow.

Posted by: Jasmine and Emina

Monday, December 17, 2012

This Week in Room 33! Dec.17-20

What to expect this week in 5th grade:

Math- We will have our Ch. 12-13 test on Tuesday. Students can study their notebooks, homework sheets, textbook, and ebook website ( username: tfifth, password: pass). 

Social Studies- We are finishing up our study on the New England Colonies. There will not be a test on this chapter.

Reading- We will be discussing story elements (characters, setting, problem, solution) this week in some of our favorite holiday books. We will also continue literature circles and guided reading small groups.

Writing- We will finish up our letters about our personal narratives in class.

Adopt-a-Family- I am SO proud of our class! We brought in a total of 802 items! We were determined to make it to 800 items to earn our tent party and we DID IT! :) The "tent" or fort party will be on Thursday morning. Students can bring in blankets, pillows, and their favorite holiday books to read. They will be allowed to make tents using our chairs and their blankets and will get to read and share their books. Students are NOT allowed to bring in real tents.

Caroling- On Wed., 5th graders will be caroling at Delmar Gardens of Meramec Valley in Fenton at 10:00 a.m. and Friendship Village at 11:00 a.m.

  • We will board buses at 9:15 a.m., leave at 9:30 a.m., and return to school by 12:00 noon.
  • Students will wear their 5th grade t-shirts. I am keeping the shirts here in the classroom for them to change into Wed. morning.
  • We will have a pizza lunch that day. Students should bring in a drink.
Winter Party- Our winter party will be this Thursday from 2-3. :)

No School Friday!

Wishing you and your family a wonderful winter break! Happy Holidays! :)

-Mrs. Schaefer

Math centers

Today we had math centers for our test! We did grab and go on least common multiple (LCM), Prime and composite, divisibility, and greatest common factors (GCF). We also did computers for math. We played
We also played a game on the board.

Reminders: math
Remember our math test is tomorrow ! :)

Reminders: science
Remember to bring a notebook for our prism project.

Reminders: reading
Remember to finish your lit circle job.

Posted by Anya !!!!!
:) :):)
P.S. Have a great day and remember to study study study!!! =) = )

Friday, December 14, 2012

"Busy Busy Bees" quotes by Mrs. Schaefer

Today we had a lot of work to do. We finally got our tent party because we reached over 800 items for adopt-a-family. Special thanks to Mrs. Schaefer Jenoha, Emily Crancer, and Emina for donating last minute money. We have a math test ch. 12-13 on Tuesday. We were working almost all day long. Have a good weekend! ;D

Posted by:Noah

Thursday, December 13, 2012


What really stuck with me today was our rewards we earned for adopt-a-family. The rewards were Hot CHocolate and sit on desks! Remember word contract is due Tommarow! And study for spelling test if you haven't took it! And for math homework is the ladder sheet (odds)!!!!'!!

Posted by: Emily C.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Student Blog Post from the awesome Emina Saric

The thing that mostly stuck with me was that Mrs.Goedde came back and that we did way better on our reading evaluate test this month than last month. Some quick reminders are is that word contract and cold read is due Friday and that our science test is TOMORROW!

I can explore patterns of multiples

Today in math we did a sheet that we had to do multiples and we color coded it. Don't forget science crossword and TFK due tomorrow.

Posted by: Logan

Monday, December 10, 2012

This Week in Room 33! Dec. 10-14

What to expect this week in 5th grade:

Morning Work- Students will get the chance to work on their words contract in the morning. They may also read to self. The words contract is due Friday. They will also have their spelling test on Friday.

Math- We will be working on chapter 13 this week on factors and multiples. We will also be reviewing chapter 12. Students will have a chapter 12-13 test on Tuesday, Dec. 18. Last week I showed the students an online resource they can use when studying math. It is our online version of our textbook that includes interactive links for vocabulary words and practice problems for each lesson. Ask your child to show you this site: 

username: tfifth
password: pass

Social Studies- We are beginning chapter 5 this week on the New England colonies.

Reading- We are busy during reading! Ask your child the importance of our independent daily practice on word work, reading, and writing. Our reading skill focus during guided small group lessons is on cause and effect relationships. This week we will also be taking our December evaluate tests for reading and math.

Our cold read is due Friday and the Time for Kids sheet is due this Wed. These were both given out and worked on last Friday. It should be completed at home. Please check your student's progress on these 2 assignments- thank you!

Writing- I am so proud of our published personal narratives! We have a few students who need to share their pieces in small groups and then our "graffiti" wall of compliments will be hung up outside our door. This week we are reviewing the parts of a letter. Students will be writing a letter to me about what they have learned about writing a personal narrative.

Adopt-A-Family- This is our LAST week to bring in items for adopt-a-family. We are at 653 items! WOW! Thank you SO much for all you have donated!

Have a FANTASTIC week! :)

-Mrs. Schaefer

Divisibility Rules

Today we learned the divisibility rules. If a number is divisible It can be divided equally. Remember to do your cold read and have a good evening.

Posted by Owen

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Student Post 12/5

First, we had a character assembly. In math, we made 3 dimensional figures using marshmallows and toothpicks. Next, we met with our buddies and made an "I care" stocking. Third, we watched a performance by our buddies! Fourth, we watched a brain pop about polyhedrons. At 12:25 we had lunch. Finally, at character council, we made scarves for adopt-a-family. Remember to study for the social studies test and finish your personal narrative.

Posted by: Megan

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Student Post 12/4

This morning we got our new words and read to self. In math we did a translations project. In science we worked on our animals power point project. In social studies we reviewed for our test on Thursday. In the afternoon, Mrs. Critchlow talked to us about how to fix problems with others. We had a short reading class and then went to the book fair to write down books on our wish list.

Posted by: Harry
Edited by: Aaron

Monday, December 3, 2012

This Week in Room 33! Dec. 3-7

Happy December! Here is what to expect this week in 5th grade:

Morning Work- Students will be getting their word lists on Tue. and will work on their words contract in the morning. This will be due Friday, Dec. 14. They will have their spelling test that day as well.

Math- We are completing our Geometry unit and will have our test this Friday. This test will cover chapters 20 and 21. We will have a review day on Thursday. Students can study their homework sheets, math notebook, and textbook.

Social Studies- We are sharing our colony brochures and reviewing for our chapter 4 test on Thursday.

Reading- We are continuing our literature circles, guided reading, and independent daily practice. Our focus this week will be on cause and effect.

Writing- We are publishing our personal narratives this week. The finished product is due on Thursday for our author's celebration. We will be sharing our stories in small groups and writing comments to each other on a "graffiti" poster.

Early Release this Wednesday! Dismissal is at 1:40.

Book Fair: The book fair is here at Concord! Our preview day is Tuesday. This day students will get to search for books they are interested in. Our buy day is Thursday. Students may bring in money to purchase books from our book fair.

Hope you are enjoying this unseasonably warm weather! Is it really December? :)

-Mrs. Schaefer

Student Post 12/3

First, in math we cut out polygons to sort in groups. We learned about the different types of triangles and quadrilaterals. Then, we shared our social studies projects. After that we had gym, lunch, and recess. Then we had daily 5 and worked on publishing our personal narratives.

Posted by: Kaley
Edited by: Caleb