Thursday, February 28, 2013

Jacks awesome blog

Today in class we learned in math how to use a coordinate grid. Run before we climb and did an activity using the strategy we learned to get to our desks.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Field trip

We went to the science center. We saw the balls rolling in the tubes. We found DNA at the science lab. I saw Charles the T Rex!

Posted by: Caleb


In D.A.R.E we learned about Effective Listening. And in it we did a little practice type thing where partner A would talk and partner B ignored us! For me it was frustrating my partner just wouldn't listen. So listen to what people have to say including your parents!!!
And remember lit circle is due Friday same with assignment #8 bring in props for S.S on Thursday research at home for writing if you need it and DLR quiz on Friday. And we are going to the Science Center tomorrow!
!Have a wonderful evening!
-Amy :)

Monday, February 25, 2013

The Week in Room 33! Feb. 25- March 1

I hope you all enjoyed your unexpected 4-day weekend! :)

What to expect this week in 5th grade:

Math- We are working on volume, solid figure nets, and graphing ordered pairs this week. Assignment #8 is due Friday.

Social Studies- We are working on some review activities on chapter 7 (causes of the American Revolution). We will resume our video project on Thursday and Friday. If your student wants to bring in props for their video, they may bring them in by Thursday.

Reading- We are finishing up story elements and then reviewing comparing/contrasting, cause/effect, problem/solution, inferences/drawing conclusions. Literature circles are now on Tuesdays and Fridays. Your student should have their reading done as well as 3 questions and 2 comments posted on by each Tue. and Fri. Failure to have this done will result in a strike and staying in for recess to complete it. 

Writing- We will begin drafting our expository pieces. Some students may realize that they need more information for their pieces. Ask your student if they need to do any extra research at home on their nonfiction topic. Our DLR quiz will be on Friday. Students should study their DLR sheet to prepare for this quiz.

PRISM has been rescheduled for this Thursday!

Science Center Field Trip is this Wed! It's not too late to be a chaperone- please email me! We will be leaving school at 9 in the morning.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Today in literature groups we tried a new website and app called Edmodo. It allows every group to post questions and comments about the book we are reading. You can also communicate with people. Don't forget that Friday is the character assembly and we have our math review #7 and our words contract are due as well. Have a wonderful evening!

Posted by: Noah ford

This Week in Room 33! Feb. 19-22

What to expect this week in 5th grade:

Math- We are finishing up our unit on ratios, percents, and probability and also diving into volume and nets! There will not be a test on this unit. Continue to check in with your student on their weekly review assignments. #7 is due Friday. I expect all review assignments in the 70's or below to be fixed and returned.

Social Studies- We are working on a video project in class where students are re-enacting events leading up to the American Revolution. Students may bring in props Thursday (no toy weapons are allowed). We will upload these videos to our Youtube channel for parents to view! :)

Reading- We will be reviewing story elements this week. Literature circles are moving to edmodo! Edmodo is a website (and app!) where students will be posting questions and commenting on other posts within their literature groups. Lit. circles will now be meeting on Tuesdays and Fridays each week. Their reading and edmodo posts should be completed by every Tue. and Fri.

Writing- This week we will be organizing our research notes and beginning to write our expository drafts!
Words contracts are due this Friday. Spelling tests are also on Friday.

PRISM is Thursday!

Character Assembly is this Friday- All students in our class have earned a grand slam! Please bring a baseball cap to wear at school on Friday! :)

Science Center Field Trip is Next Wed! If you would like to chaperone please let me know!

Have a wonderful week!

-Mrs. Schaefer

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The Probability Mystery

Today in math we learned about probability. Just in case you forget the words, they are likely, impossible, certain and unlikely. Oh and don't forget to bring in TFK booklet!!!!! . Tomorrow is the last day to bring in the TFK booklet.

Posted by Harry

Friday, February 15, 2013


The thing that stuck with me from today was meeting with our buddies to watch a magic school bus about air. We had jump rope for heart today. Remember to bring your TFK booklet in Tuesday!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine's Day!

Today, we had a Valentine's Day. We got so much CANDY! Don't forget to bring in TFK booklet!!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Today we.....

Today something that stuck with me was the mobile tech lab, we learned about DNA and we did a project with salmon DNA. The picture you will see somewhere around either below or above is the salmon DNA.

Monday, February 11, 2013


We were doing research on our nonfiction topic.

Posted by Caleb

This Week in Room 33! Feb. 11- 15

What to expect this week in 5th grade:

Math- We are beginning our unit on ratios, percents, and probability this week. Ask your student what a ratio is, what the 3 types of ratios are, and the 3 different ways you can write a ratio! Our review assignment # 6 is due Friday.

Social Studies- We are continuing to discuss the causes of the American Revolution. There will NOT be a chapter test. Instead, we will be doing some in-class projects starting next week.

Reading- We will continue reading and discussing poems this week. The Time for Kids sheet (we started this during centers on Friday) is due Wed. and the cold read is due Friday. 

Writing- This week we are doing more research and taking notes on our nonfiction topics. Ask your student about their research and what they have learned about their topic that they want to include in their expository writing. Words contracts will be due Fri. 2/22. Spelling tests will also be on this day.

Early Release This Wednesday! Dismissal will be at 1:40.

Valentine's Day- Students may bring in valentines for the class. Please let me know if you would like to bring anything in for our celebration or just send it in with your student! Thank you!!!

Science Center Field Trip- Our field trip to the science center will be on Wed. Feb. 27.  Buses will leave around 9:15 and we will return by around noon. Please email if you would like to come along as a chaperon  we would love to have you! :)

No School Next Mon.- President's Day!

Have a wonderful week!

-Mrs. Schaefer

Friday, February 8, 2013

Art class

Today in art class we made clay pots . You first would stamp and make it in to a circle. Then you would make the coil and our art teacher Mrs. Goedde is going to put them in the Kiln and paint!!!!

Posted by: Kaley

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Megan's AWSOME post!

Today we had a math test. Also at library we recorded our book trailers. If you want to buy candy grams Feb 11 bring $0.25 to buy one. It's for a good cause. Posted by megan

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Measurement Review

Today in math we practiced and reviewed measurement for our test tomorrow through an activity called "Solve and Coach". Students all had a piece of paper with a problem to solve. After they all solved the first problem they put their hands up to find a partner. Partners switched papers, solved a new problem, coached each other, and gave encouraging words before finding a new partner.

We did a fantastic job with this activity and had fun while doing it! We also made a graffiti wall of measurement terminology. Don't forget to study for our test tomorrow!

Posted by: Mrs. Schaefer

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Noah's blogity blogity blog blog

Today our dare officer came in to discuss different situations of peer pressure. At the end we had to act out a situation of peer pressure involving drugs, alcohol, and tobacco. Don't forget, PRISM check is Thursday for the conclusion and we have math review #5 and our cold read due Friday. Don't forget if you want to bring in your favorite poem for writing class so we can share them throughout the week.

Monday, February 4, 2013


One thing that stuck with me is that during writing time we researched our topics and took notes.
Posted by Emily c

Home Run Club

Today we had home run club and watched movies and ate a snack!!!!!
Don't forget math review #5.
In math we learned how to find the perimeter of polygons with unknown sides.

This Week in Room 33! Feb. 4-8

What to expect this week in 5th grade:

Math- We finished our unit today. Tue. and Wed. will be review days and Thurs. will be our unit test on measurement. This test covers chapters 24-26 (only the lessons that we have homework sheets on). Our review assignment #5 is due Friday.

Social Studies- We are beginning chapter 7 on the causes of the American Revolution!

Reading- Our focus this week is on poetry. We will be reading and listening to poems and discussing how we infer and visualize to help us understand them. Students may bring in their favorite poems to share this week! The cold read "The Castle Builder" is due Friday (this is being handed out today).

Writing- We will be researching and taking notes on our nonfiction topics this week!

Counselor's Week- This week is counselor's week. If your student would like to create a special card for our counselors, they would LOVE it!

Valentine's Day Party- This year there will not be an organized Valentine's party by the parents. I still plan on celebrating  in our classroom with some activities and treats. If you would like to donate any food/drink items to our class please email me with what you would like to send in with your student. I am in need of candy hearts (with the fun sayings!) for a specific activity. Thank you SO much! :) 

*Students can also bring in valentines. I will send home a class list so your student can be sure to include ALL students in our class!

Family Trivia Night- Trivia night is this Friday. Flyers went home last week. Sounds like fun! :)

Supplies- Please ask your student if he/she is running out of any supplies. We seem to be low on glue sticks!

Enjoy your week!

-Mrs. Schaefer