Monday, February 29, 2016

This Week in Room 33! 2/29- 3/4

This week...

Science- We are continuing to study forces and motion this week as we complete our complex machine projects and engage in a force investigation.

Writing- Our chocolate milk argument letters are due Tuesday. We will share and participate in debates, stating our claims and backing them up with our reasons and evidence. We will start our 2nd argument essay as we take our arguments up a notch and bring a critical perspective to our writing. Students may choose to write about the argument topic they are researching in reading.

***Portfolios will go home Tuesday. Students will share their 1st essay with families, complete the self-evaluation checklist and make new goals for their next piece. Portfolios are due with parent signatures on Thursday. Thank you so much for taking the time to sit with your student, celebrate their work so far and discuss goals for their next piece! 

Math- We are continuing our study of converting units of measurement. We are converting customary units of capacity, displaying measurement data on a line plot, and converting metric units of length, mass, and capacity. Our chapter 11 test on measurement will be next Wed., March 9th.

Reading- We are working hard in reading as we mine texts within our research teams for relevant information to help strengthen our arguments. We will also reflect on and strengthen our team conversations, think and wonder as we continue reading and researching, and summarize to hold on to what is most essential. Don't forget to check out all of the text sets in our Reading tab of this blog!

Social Studies- We are continuing to work in stations and participate in small group discussions on the 13 colonies. Students will create Google slide presentations on their group's region (New England, Middle, or Southern colonies) and will teach the class next week!

3/1- Mother/Son Dance 6-8 @ Concord
Friday 3/4- Half Day, End of 3rd Quarter
3/8- Father/Daughter Dance 6-8 @ Concord
3/9- Ch. 11 Math Test

One Million Reading Minutes Celebration

We loved dressing like our favorite book characters on Friday! Click through our album below- enjoy!

Million Reading Minutes Celebration

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

This Week in Room 33! Feb. 22-26

Here's what to expect this week in 5th grade:

Science- This week students will be able to describe the 6 different types of simple machines and understand how they work.

Writing- We are working on using evidence from research to build our arguments, using the opinion writing checklist to set goals, and adding quotations to our writing. By the end of the week, we will have our first argument essay complete!

Math- We are beginning our unit on measurement this week! We are measuring length to the nearest 1/2 inch and 1/4 inch, converting customary units of length, problem solving using logical reasoning, and estimating and converting customary units of weight.

Reading- As we are focusing on argument and advocacy, students are researching debatable issues within teams. Within these research teams, students are analyzing texts (see Reading tab for text sets!) and finding evidence for BOTH sides of the argument. We are focusing on looking at texts for relevant information and being able to think and wonder as they read. 

Social Studies- We are engaging in small group discussions on how the thirteen colonies thrived and what daily life was like for them.

Middle school forms due this Fri. 2/26
Friday 2.26.16 One Million Minutes Reading Celebration Day! Dress as your favorite book character! Bring a good book for our Read-A-Thon!
Tuesday, 3/1 Mother/Son dance 6-8
Tuesday 3/8 Father/Daughter dance 6-8
Fri. 3/4- Half Day

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Chocolate milk drama

This is what we're doing in writing and reading. Argument writing!!!!!

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Newtons laws of motion

We learned newtons laws of motion.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Jump Rope for Heart & Valentine's Day Pictures

Check out the album below with pictures! Click on the picture to see them all.
Jump Rope For Heart and V-day

This Week in Room 33! Feb. 16-19

Thank you, thank you for all the WONDERFUL treats, gifts, chocolate, and coffee from Valentine's Day- I really am the luckiest teacher! 

Also-- thank you SO much for all your trail mix donations- the kids had a FUN day and we really appreciated all the goodies! We even have extras for students who may forget/need a snack! :) I hope everyone enjoyed their 3-day weekend thanks to President's Day! 

Here's what to expect this week in 5th grade-

Science- We will be learning about Newton's laws of motion this week.

*Reminder- For those who are working on PRISM, projects are due Tue., Feb. 16th! 
Concord's Makers' Fair/Science Night is Thurs. Feb. 18th- EVERYONE is welcome! Please see the below link to sign up your 5th grader to volunteer- we still have some empty time slots! Thank you to those that will be helping out!

Calling all 5th Graders! Concord needs YOU! 
Is your 5th grader looking for service hours? We need 5th grade volunteers to help out at Concord's Maker's Fair/Science Night on Feb. 18th from 3:15-4:15, 4:15-5:15, and 5:15-6:15. Check out the sign-up genius below to sign up for a time slot. 

Writing- We are beginning our next unit on research-based argument essays! We will investigate to understand an argument, research both sides of an issue, flash draft, and use evidence to build our arguments further.

Math- Our fractions unit test (ch. 8-10) will be on Friday. We will be problem solving by drawing diagrams and reviewing past lessons to prepare. Students will receive a study guide this week to help and can also use their textbook for extra practice at home. 

Reading- In reading, we will also be studying arguments and advocacy! This week we will organize an ethical research life to investigate an issue within research teams.

Social Studies- We are studying the New England, Middle, and Southern colonies.

This Thurs. 2/18- Science Night! 
This Fri. 2/19- Spring Pictures!
Fri.- Fractions Unit Test Ch. 8-10

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Word Wall!

We made a class word wall today where we write something that is going to go well that day, depending on the word. It gives everyone else inspiration on how to make their week the brightest.


We had fun in library today! Today in library we had stations. We could either do robotics, Legos, or there was a fun Valentine's Day craft to do. We're having a lot of fun in library these days.

Monday, February 8, 2016

This Week in Room 33! Feb. 8-12

Friday, February 12 will be our Valentine's Day celebration! We will be having Jump Rope for Heart from 11-12. Following Jump Rope, we will have our class Valentine exchange and then lunch. After lunch we will share a friendship trail mix and watch a movie to celebrate!

If you would like your child to exchange Valentines, please see the class list below. We have 23 students.

If you would like to donate a small snack for the friendship trail mix, we would greatly appreciate it. As a reminder, we do have a nut allergy in the room.
Thank you so much!

Jon, Paulina, Sam, Ben, Charlie, Miles, Tyler H., Rylee, Jordan, Kamryn, Tyler M., Zoe, Erin, Eli, Olivia, Sammie, Gus, Aidan, Lila, Emma, Jeremy, Sydney, Izaiah

Candy Grams-"Garden Love"
We will be selling Candy Grams this week during the lunch hour on Tuesday –Thursday for $0.25 each.  Students and teachers can choose to buy just one or to buy one for each member of the class.  Funds raised will go to the garden.

Here's what to expect this week in 5th grade-

Science- This week we are starting our study of chapter 11 on Forces and Motion. We will begin with lesson 1 stations exploring the question, "What are forces?"

*Reminder- For those who are working on PRISM, projects are due NEXT Tue., Feb. 16th! 
Concord's Makers' Fair/Science Night is Thurs. Feb. 18th- EVERYONE is welcome! Please see the below link to sign up your 5th grader to volunteer- we still have some empty time slots! Thank you to those that will be helping out!

Calling all 5th Graders! Concord needs YOU! 
Is your 5th grader looking for service hours? We need 5th grade volunteers to help out at Concord's Maker's Fair/Science Night on Feb. 18th from 3:15-4:15, 4:15-5:15, and 5:15-6:15. Check out the sign-up genius below to sign up for a time slot. 

Writing- We are finishing up our memoir unit this week and will be celebrating on Wednesday (memoirs are due on Wed. for the celebration). Writing portfolios will go home on Wed. and will be due back on Friday. Please celebrate the newest memoir your student has produced at home! I am so proud of their hard work! Next up, persuasive argument essays!

Math- We are busy working on multiplying and dividing fractions this week! Students are not just learning the steps, they are learning how to show visually with models in order to truly understand the algorithm. I couldn't be prouder of the math discussions we have each day! See the below video we watched in class to really understand fraction multiplication! Our Fractions Unit Test covering ch. 8-10 will be Friday, Feb. 19th.

Reading- This week we are wrapping up our author studies. We are finding parts of our books that truly spoke to us and writing about our thoughts and making connections across texts by the same author. We will share these thoughts and ideas in a new blog coming soon!

Early Release is Wed!
Thurs.- Group photos for yearbook- We will be photographing the following groups:
·       Concord Flyer Choir
·       Strings
·       Chess Club
·       Girls on the Run
·       Running Club
·       Read, Right, Run
·       Girl Scouts (Juniors, Brownies, Daisies)
·       Boy Scouts (Webelos II, Webelos I, Bears, Wolves, Tigers)
Friday- Jump Rope for Heart and Valentine's Day
Mon. 2/15- No School
2/18- Science Night
2/19- Spring Picture Day

Saturday, February 6, 2016

5th Grade Volunteers Needed for Maker's Fair/Science Night!

Calling all 5th Graders! Concord needs YOU! 
Is your 5th grader looking for service hours? We need 5th grade volunteers to help out at Concord's Maker's Fair/Science Night on Feb. 18th from 3:15-4:15, 4:15-5:15, and 5:15-6:15. Check out the sign-up genius below to sign up for a time slot. 

Thursday, February 4, 2016

End of read aloud

We finshed our read aloud Locomotion!!!

Musical writing

Today in writing we made writing music. With Mrs. Schaefer as our wonderful wonderful conductor when she pointed to us with her baton (high lighter). Then we read a sentence or a paragraph of the music (writing). Music is writing and writing is music. The band sounds wonderful and we can't wait for our next concert!!
Today in writing we made writing music. With Mrs.Schaefer as our wonderful wonderful conductor when she pointed to us with her baton (high lighter). Then we read a sentence or a paragraph of the music (writing). Music is writing and writing is music. The band sounds wonderful and we can't wait for our next concert!!

Happy one hundredth day

Happy one-hundredth day of school!!! So exciting!

Monday, February 1, 2016


 Social studies about the mysterys of Roanoke

This Week in Room 33! Feb. 1-5

***REMINDER- Please turn in Jump Rope for Heart permission slips and send in 5th grade memory book pictures!!!

Here's what to expect this week in 5th grade-

Science- We are reviewing Mon. and Tue. in class and our ch. 9 test on Earth and Space will be on Wednesday! 

*Reminder- It's not too late to participate in PRISM! For those who are working on PRISM, projects are due Tue., Feb. 16th! Concord Maker's Fair Night is Thurs. Feb. 18th from 3:30-6. EVERYONE is welcome! We will be needing 5th grade volunteers to help out- more information to come soon!

Writing- We will be busy this week revising, adding metaphors to convey our big ideas, and editing our memoirs by varying our sentences. We will begin publishing on the Google drive at the end of the week.

Math- We will review ch. 9 on adding and subtracting fractions on Monday and Tuesday with an informal quiz on Tuesday. On Wednesday, we will start chapter 10 on multiplying and dividing fractions! As a reminder, our fractions unit test will cover ch. 8-10.

Reading- We are continuing our new unit on author studies this week! Students are reading books from their chosen author and comparing across texts as they discuss and write in their notebooks about settings, character struggles, social issues, and text structures.

Social Studies- We are studying early European settlements including New England settlements and New Netherlands and New France.

Fri. 2/5 Counselor's Day
Wed. 2/10 Early Release
Thurs. 2/11 Group Yearbook Pictures
Fri. 2/12 Jump Rope for Heart