Monday, February 29, 2016

This Week in Room 33! 2/29- 3/4

This week...

Science- We are continuing to study forces and motion this week as we complete our complex machine projects and engage in a force investigation.

Writing- Our chocolate milk argument letters are due Tuesday. We will share and participate in debates, stating our claims and backing them up with our reasons and evidence. We will start our 2nd argument essay as we take our arguments up a notch and bring a critical perspective to our writing. Students may choose to write about the argument topic they are researching in reading.

***Portfolios will go home Tuesday. Students will share their 1st essay with families, complete the self-evaluation checklist and make new goals for their next piece. Portfolios are due with parent signatures on Thursday. Thank you so much for taking the time to sit with your student, celebrate their work so far and discuss goals for their next piece! 

Math- We are continuing our study of converting units of measurement. We are converting customary units of capacity, displaying measurement data on a line plot, and converting metric units of length, mass, and capacity. Our chapter 11 test on measurement will be next Wed., March 9th.

Reading- We are working hard in reading as we mine texts within our research teams for relevant information to help strengthen our arguments. We will also reflect on and strengthen our team conversations, think and wonder as we continue reading and researching, and summarize to hold on to what is most essential. Don't forget to check out all of the text sets in our Reading tab of this blog!

Social Studies- We are continuing to work in stations and participate in small group discussions on the 13 colonies. Students will create Google slide presentations on their group's region (New England, Middle, or Southern colonies) and will teach the class next week!

3/1- Mother/Son Dance 6-8 @ Concord
Friday 3/4- Half Day, End of 3rd Quarter
3/8- Father/Daughter Dance 6-8 @ Concord
3/9- Ch. 11 Math Test

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