Monday, October 31, 2016

This Week in Room 33! Oct. 31- Nov. 4

What to expect this week...

Science- Our chapter 7 test on weather will be this Wednesday. Click HERE for a study guide! Students can study using their science textbook, notebook, online textbook, and can also use the Quizlet link on our Google Classroom. After weather, we will begin our study on classifying organisms (chapter 3).

Writing- We are so excited to begin work on our 2nd research report! For this report, students have chosen a historical event to research. Students are working together within small teams as they research and discuss new learning and ideas about their historical event and it's impact on the world! 

Our class has chosen the following topics- Pearl Harbor, the Holocaust, the Great Depression, Amelia Earhart's flight, the Cold War, Pompeii, Battle of Gettysburg, Civil War, the Gold Rush, and the Underground Railroad.

Math- We are diving into chapter 5 this week- adding and subtracting decimals! 

Reading- We are continuing our work on reading complex nonfiction, identifying main idea/supporting details and summarizing as we research our new historical topic. 

Friday, October 28, 2016


In writing, we worked on researching our new topics!- Social Media Leaders📱

Fantastic Readers!

Today we worked hard on reading!-Social Media Leaders📱

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Writing Ideas

These are our ideas for writing😋-social media leaders📱

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Our mission for reading today📖📚

Here is our mission today in reading📚📖~ social media leaders📱

Monday, October 24, 2016

Ways to help us understand hard texts in reading!📚

Here are some pictures of use reading and some ways to help you understand the hard texts! ~Social Media leaders 📱

This Week in Room 33! Oct. 24-28

Looking forward to seeing everyone this week at our student-led conferences! (Mon. and Wed.)

Please turn in Pumpkin Run permission slips this week- thank you!

YOLO-Red Ribbon Celebration is THIS Week!
Each day will be a spirit day for red ribbon week.  Here is a schedule for the week:

Monday 10.24-Give drugs the “boot”-Everyone wears boots
Tuesday 10.25-Dress in Red
Wednesday 10.26-Dress Like your Favorite Character
Thursday 10.27-Put a Lid on Drugs-Everyone wears a hat
Friday 10.28-Wacky hair day

    What to expect this week in 5th grade...

    Science- We are completing our study of weather this week with lesson 5 on climate. Our chapter 7 test on weather will be next Wed., Nov. 2nd. Click HERE for a study guide! 

    Writing- We will finish up our 1st research report on our American Revolution topics. Check out the writing tab to see the writing checklists we use in class and to assess our work. We will celebrate our finished pieces on Thursday

    Portfolios will go home and will be due Wed. Nov. 2. Students are responsible for celebrating their published pieces with families, completing a self-evaluation checklist, setting goals for their next piece and getting a parent signature!

    Reading- We will continue to focus on reading complex nonfiction texts as we think about a text's structure and summarizing.

    Math- This week we will finish our last lesson of this unit on problem solving by solving simpler problems within a complex multi-step problem. Our test on division will be this Thursday. It will cover chapters 3 and 4 of our textbook (dividing by 1- and 2-digit divisors). Don't forget about the online math textbook! There is a link for students in the math tab of this blog. 

    Social Studies- We are integrating Social Studies content within our reading/writing units as we celebrate and learn more about the American Revolution from our research reports! Our next writing unit, students will choose a historical event to research and teach others about.

    Friday, October 21, 2016

    Math around the room!

    Today we did math around the room,where every student did 8 long division problems!😉-social media leaders 📱

    Tuesday, October 18, 2016

    Today in Reading📚

    Today during reading we tried to find the main idea of our non fiction texts. Then we added evidence to back up our thinking!📖✏️ ~Social Media Leaders📱

    Monday, October 17, 2016

    This Week in Room 33! Oct. 17-21

    *Early Release is THIS Wed.! Dismissal will begin at 1:35.

    *Student-Led Fall Conferences are next week- Mon. Oct. 24 & Wed. Oct. 26

    *Check out the schedule at the bottom of this post for our Fall Festival/Halloween schedule!

    This week in 5th grade...

    Science- We will focus on lesson 4 within our chapter on weather (ch. 7 in textbook) as we answer the question-- How do clouds and precipitation form? 

    Writing- We are working hard on our research reports on our American Revolution event. We are focusing on writing as historians do with geography and timelines in mind. We are also making sure we are including our thoughts and ideas in addition to the facts we have learned through our research!

    Reading- We are learning how nonfiction texts are getting more complex as we are moving up in reading levels- the main ideas are implicit and the vocabulary is more difficult. We are learning strategies to overcome these challenges!

    Math- We are dividing this week by 2-digit divisors (chapter 4). Our chapter 3/4 test will be next Thursday, Oct. 27. 
    Our first ALEKS pie party will be this Thursday! If your 5th grader completed their 1st quarter goal, they will be invited to a lunch with pizza/dessert. Please bring in a dollar or 2 to help with the cost- thank you!

    Sunday, October 16, 2016

    We ❤️ Cahokia!

    Click through our Flickr album and don't forget to check out the videos on Twitter/Facebook!

    Field Trip To Cahokia Mounds

    Monday, October 10, 2016

    This Week in Room 33! Oct. 10-15

    ***Parents-- please check out the following sign-up genius link and make sure you have signed up for a student-led fall conference! Click HERE to sign up for fall conferences. Please email me with any questions.

    ***Please turn in Cahokia field trip permission slip by Tuesday. We are going to Cahokia this Thursday!!! Students must bring a SACK LUNCH!

    ***Friday is a Half Day- Dismissal is at 11:50. There will be no lunch served!

    This week in 5th grade...

    Science- This week we are focusing on what causes weather and what tools scientists use to collect weather data. Some important words we are learning this week include- meteorologist, barometric pressure, atmosphere, anemometer, weather vane, temperature, humidity, and hygrometer.

    Writing- We are beginning a new unit on historical informational (nonfiction) writing!  Our first research report will focus on an event from the American Revolution. Students will continue their research, take notes, and begin to draft this week. 

    Reading- As in writing, we are beginning a new unit on reading nonfiction and tackling increasingly complex texts with a focus on determining main ideas. Students are encouraged to continue reading choice books but can also spend their time reading nonfiction texts! Check out our reading tab for more websites with awesome nonfiction articles/videos such as, and! As we say often in class... the possibilities are endless! :) There are also links to 3 very famous speeches students can read and discuss at home with families- be sure to check them out!

    Math- This week we are finding quotients with zeros, interpreting the remainder and determining extra or missing information within problem solving. 

    Social Studies- Students did a FANTASTIC job teaching others about different Native American tribes last week! We are integrating Social Studies content within our reading/writing units as we research and learn more about the American Revolution!

    Friday, October 7, 2016

    Fun Friday!

    Click through the below albums to see our Native American project celebration and our impressive American Revolution research!

    Sharing our Native American tribe projects! 10/7 American Revolution Research

    Book Club Celebration

    We are so proud of our book club work, we just had to celebrate! In total, our class read 16 books- wow!

    Tuesday, October 4, 2016

    Science Stations!📗

    We ❤️ science stations! We even learned so big words like, hydrosphere, desalination, and lots more!! ~Social Meadia Leaders📱

    Monday, October 3, 2016

    Awesome Books!

    Here are some of our amazing book club books! ~Social Meadia Leaders📱

    This Week in Room 33! Oct. 3-7

    Parents-- please check out the following sign-up genius link and make sure you have signed up for a student-led fall conference. If you did not receive my email last week, please email me to let me know that you are not on my parent email list- thank you! Click HERE to sign up for fall conferences.

    Here is the information on 5th grade student-led conferences:

    As another component of our "Leader in Me" initiative here at Concord, the 5th grade teachers would like to give the opportunity for students to lead their conferences. 
    We are proposing that your student lead the first 5-7 minutes of your conference time where they will report to you their achievements and progress so far this year. For the rest of your conference time, your student will be dismissed to the hallway, so you may have the opportunity to voice any questions or concerns.
    We really feel this is a fantastic way for your child to take ownership of their learning and prepare them for student-led conferences that are being held at the middle schools. Please let me know if you have any questions or if your child will be unable to attend. Thanks! 

    This week in 5th grade...

    Science- This week we are learning that the ocean is a major reservoir in Earth's water cycle. Students are engaged in science stations as they learn the material through technology (online textbook and, guided reading lessons with the teacher, and other hands-on projects. By the end of each cycle, students are expected to show their learning and understanding of the material with a lesson quiz.

    Writing- We will begin to research for our first historical research report. Our focus will be on an event relating to the American Revolution.  Later in the unit, our second research report will be on a historical event of students' choice.

    Reading- This week we are finishing our read aloud book Home of the Brave, continuing to delve into literary analysis, and applying all of our interpretive thinking into our book club discussions and guided reading lessons with the teacher. We will celebrate our amazing book club work at the end of the week!

    Math- We are continuing our unit on division as we divide using patterns, estimate quotients, show our complete understanding of the process through models, distributive property, partial quotients, and the standard long division algorithm. 

    ***It is SO IMPORTANT that students know their basic multiplication and division math facts! It is becoming increasingly difficult for those students who do not know their facts to complete the higher level thinking and problem solving that 5th graders are expected to do. Thank you for taking the extra steps to make sure your 5th grader is working towards mastery of these facts!  Math Magician is a great website to practice math facts. Students can also work on their QuickTables in ALEKS.

    Social Studies- We are wrapping up our study of Native Americans with an student choice project. Students will choose a tribe and a way of presenting their knowledge (Google slides, create a Kahoot, prezi, video, etc.) We will begin presentations on Friday!