Friday, May 22, 2015

Last Assembly at Concord!

We said goodbye to Ms. Stulce, Ms. Schoeck, and Dr. Stryjewski!

Thursday, May 21, 2015

A few more photos from this week...

Throwing pies at the teachers, 5th grade party with Fred Bird, and celebrating MAP with our super hero theme! We are having a blast!

Last full-day!

We had shaving cream day!

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Vetta Day!

We spent all day at Vetta for our 5th grade party!

Monday, May 18, 2015

LAST Week in Room 33! May 18-22

I really cannot believe we have made it to the last week of 5th grade! I am going to miss this class SO much!!! We have a lot of fun end-of-year things happening this week- here's what to expect:

Monday- Fun Day and Hat Day! We had SO much fun today! Check out pictures from today HERE! We also reflected on our writing portfolios. Have your student show you all of their hard work tonight! We discussed how much we have learned and progressed as writers. Ask your students what they have noticed in their writing from the beginning of the year to the end of the year. 

Tuesday- Junior Achievement Day! We will have visitors from Panera Bread Co. We will also be celebrating our MAP success in a school-wide Super Hero Celebration! Wear your super hero gear!

Wednesday- 5th Grade Party at Vetta! 

Thursday- 5th Grade Recognition and DARE Graduation Ceremony at 10:30! Also, during "Fly Up" time, 5th graders will get to go out for an extra recess at the end of the day as I meet the new, upcoming 5th graders!

Friday- Last day of school and half day! There will be NO lunch served. We will have our last assembly and our last Home Run Club of the year!

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Our Mathematical And Super Study Day!!

                                        LOL!!!! 😃