Sunday, September 14, 2014

This Week in Room 33! Sept. 15-19

Here's what to expect this week in 5th grade:

Science- Our Scientific Investigations test is this Wednesday! The study guide is due Tuesday. We will review it together to prepare for our test. The test will cover scientific tools, qualitative vs. quantitative observations, writing testable questions, writing a hypothesis, independent and dependent variables, and constants. Students can click on the following link to study vocabulary words- FLASHCARDS. This was made through a website/app called QUIZLET. We will begin our next unit on weather this Thursday!

Writing- We are working hard at REVISING our personal narratives! This week we are focusing on elaborating on important parts, adding scenes from the past and future, ending stories, and putting the final touches on our pieces. I am so proud of our writers! 

Math- Place value tests went home last week and we have begun chapter 2 on multiplying whole numbers. This week we are working with exponents, multiplication patterns, problem solving using a table, the distributive property, and estimating products. It is SO IMPORTANT that your student knows their basic multiplication facts. Please quiz your child and have them practice using this site- MATH MAGICIAN. Thank you for all your hard work at home- it REALLY pays off! :) 

Reading- Has your student showed you their BIBLIONASIUM account? Students are asked to keep track of what they are reading and what they want to read on their bookshelf. This week we will talk about how we can write book reviews on the website and recommend books to each other! Parents can access their child's biblionasium with their own account and can even set challenges! A fantastic goal would be for students to read a book a week! 

This week we will also discuss how reader's read between the lines so they can uncover the story's deeper meaning and how readers make sense of the story by being alert to shifts in time and place. We will continue with our guided reading groups and we have library on Friday! 

Social Studies- We will complete our Free Enterprise Project presentations.

*Please turn in Field Trip form!
*Don't forget to send in a snack with your student each day!
*Early Release THIS WED.! Make sure your student knows how to get home!
*No School 9/26

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