Friday, December 21, 2012

Keep in Touch Over Break!

Thank you so very much for all who helped make our winter party a success! :)

Students and Parents- Please send a picture from your winter break to our Flickr page! This way, we can still "keep in touch" over break. Here are the steps:

1-Email the picture from either a mobile device or a computer to:

2- The subject of your email should be your name and your description should be included in the body of the email along with your picture.

3- Go to our class Flickr page to see everyone's picture and captions. Don't forget to comment! 

Have a wonderful, relaxing, fun-filled, and safe holiday break! See you all in 2013!!!!

Note to Parents: Over break please ask your student if he/she is out of dry-erase markers, pencils, or other school supplies. Please help your child replenish any necessary materials for when they come back in January. Thank you!

-Mrs. Schaefer

Wednesday, December 19, 2012


Today, the fifth grade went caroling in the morning. After that we had a pizza party. Don't forget to bring a picture book,blankets, and pillows for the tent party and that we have our Winter Party tomorrow.

Posted by: Jasmine and Emina

Monday, December 17, 2012

This Week in Room 33! Dec.17-20

What to expect this week in 5th grade:

Math- We will have our Ch. 12-13 test on Tuesday. Students can study their notebooks, homework sheets, textbook, and ebook website ( username: tfifth, password: pass). 

Social Studies- We are finishing up our study on the New England Colonies. There will not be a test on this chapter.

Reading- We will be discussing story elements (characters, setting, problem, solution) this week in some of our favorite holiday books. We will also continue literature circles and guided reading small groups.

Writing- We will finish up our letters about our personal narratives in class.

Adopt-a-Family- I am SO proud of our class! We brought in a total of 802 items! We were determined to make it to 800 items to earn our tent party and we DID IT! :) The "tent" or fort party will be on Thursday morning. Students can bring in blankets, pillows, and their favorite holiday books to read. They will be allowed to make tents using our chairs and their blankets and will get to read and share their books. Students are NOT allowed to bring in real tents.

Caroling- On Wed., 5th graders will be caroling at Delmar Gardens of Meramec Valley in Fenton at 10:00 a.m. and Friendship Village at 11:00 a.m.

  • We will board buses at 9:15 a.m., leave at 9:30 a.m., and return to school by 12:00 noon.
  • Students will wear their 5th grade t-shirts. I am keeping the shirts here in the classroom for them to change into Wed. morning.
  • We will have a pizza lunch that day. Students should bring in a drink.
Winter Party- Our winter party will be this Thursday from 2-3. :)

No School Friday!

Wishing you and your family a wonderful winter break! Happy Holidays! :)

-Mrs. Schaefer

Math centers

Today we had math centers for our test! We did grab and go on least common multiple (LCM), Prime and composite, divisibility, and greatest common factors (GCF). We also did computers for math. We played
We also played a game on the board.

Reminders: math
Remember our math test is tomorrow ! :)

Reminders: science
Remember to bring a notebook for our prism project.

Reminders: reading
Remember to finish your lit circle job.

Posted by Anya !!!!!
:) :):)
P.S. Have a great day and remember to study study study!!! =) = )

Friday, December 14, 2012

"Busy Busy Bees" quotes by Mrs. Schaefer

Today we had a lot of work to do. We finally got our tent party because we reached over 800 items for adopt-a-family. Special thanks to Mrs. Schaefer Jenoha, Emily Crancer, and Emina for donating last minute money. We have a math test ch. 12-13 on Tuesday. We were working almost all day long. Have a good weekend! ;D

Posted by:Noah

Thursday, December 13, 2012


What really stuck with me today was our rewards we earned for adopt-a-family. The rewards were Hot CHocolate and sit on desks! Remember word contract is due Tommarow! And study for spelling test if you haven't took it! And for math homework is the ladder sheet (odds)!!!!'!!

Posted by: Emily C.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Student Blog Post from the awesome Emina Saric

The thing that mostly stuck with me was that Mrs.Goedde came back and that we did way better on our reading evaluate test this month than last month. Some quick reminders are is that word contract and cold read is due Friday and that our science test is TOMORROW!

I can explore patterns of multiples

Today in math we did a sheet that we had to do multiples and we color coded it. Don't forget science crossword and TFK due tomorrow.

Posted by: Logan

Monday, December 10, 2012

This Week in Room 33! Dec. 10-14

What to expect this week in 5th grade:

Morning Work- Students will get the chance to work on their words contract in the morning. They may also read to self. The words contract is due Friday. They will also have their spelling test on Friday.

Math- We will be working on chapter 13 this week on factors and multiples. We will also be reviewing chapter 12. Students will have a chapter 12-13 test on Tuesday, Dec. 18. Last week I showed the students an online resource they can use when studying math. It is our online version of our textbook that includes interactive links for vocabulary words and practice problems for each lesson. Ask your child to show you this site: 

username: tfifth
password: pass

Social Studies- We are beginning chapter 5 this week on the New England colonies.

Reading- We are busy during reading! Ask your child the importance of our independent daily practice on word work, reading, and writing. Our reading skill focus during guided small group lessons is on cause and effect relationships. This week we will also be taking our December evaluate tests for reading and math.

Our cold read is due Friday and the Time for Kids sheet is due this Wed. These were both given out and worked on last Friday. It should be completed at home. Please check your student's progress on these 2 assignments- thank you!

Writing- I am so proud of our published personal narratives! We have a few students who need to share their pieces in small groups and then our "graffiti" wall of compliments will be hung up outside our door. This week we are reviewing the parts of a letter. Students will be writing a letter to me about what they have learned about writing a personal narrative.

Adopt-A-Family- This is our LAST week to bring in items for adopt-a-family. We are at 653 items! WOW! Thank you SO much for all you have donated!

Have a FANTASTIC week! :)

-Mrs. Schaefer

Divisibility Rules

Today we learned the divisibility rules. If a number is divisible It can be divided equally. Remember to do your cold read and have a good evening.

Posted by Owen

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Student Post 12/5

First, we had a character assembly. In math, we made 3 dimensional figures using marshmallows and toothpicks. Next, we met with our buddies and made an "I care" stocking. Third, we watched a performance by our buddies! Fourth, we watched a brain pop about polyhedrons. At 12:25 we had lunch. Finally, at character council, we made scarves for adopt-a-family. Remember to study for the social studies test and finish your personal narrative.

Posted by: Megan

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Student Post 12/4

This morning we got our new words and read to self. In math we did a translations project. In science we worked on our animals power point project. In social studies we reviewed for our test on Thursday. In the afternoon, Mrs. Critchlow talked to us about how to fix problems with others. We had a short reading class and then went to the book fair to write down books on our wish list.

Posted by: Harry
Edited by: Aaron

Monday, December 3, 2012

This Week in Room 33! Dec. 3-7

Happy December! Here is what to expect this week in 5th grade:

Morning Work- Students will be getting their word lists on Tue. and will work on their words contract in the morning. This will be due Friday, Dec. 14. They will have their spelling test that day as well.

Math- We are completing our Geometry unit and will have our test this Friday. This test will cover chapters 20 and 21. We will have a review day on Thursday. Students can study their homework sheets, math notebook, and textbook.

Social Studies- We are sharing our colony brochures and reviewing for our chapter 4 test on Thursday.

Reading- We are continuing our literature circles, guided reading, and independent daily practice. Our focus this week will be on cause and effect.

Writing- We are publishing our personal narratives this week. The finished product is due on Thursday for our author's celebration. We will be sharing our stories in small groups and writing comments to each other on a "graffiti" poster.

Early Release this Wednesday! Dismissal is at 1:40.

Book Fair: The book fair is here at Concord! Our preview day is Tuesday. This day students will get to search for books they are interested in. Our buy day is Thursday. Students may bring in money to purchase books from our book fair.

Hope you are enjoying this unseasonably warm weather! Is it really December? :)

-Mrs. Schaefer

Student Post 12/3

First, in math we cut out polygons to sort in groups. We learned about the different types of triangles and quadrilaterals. Then, we shared our social studies projects. After that we had gym, lunch, and recess. Then we had daily 5 and worked on publishing our personal narratives.

Posted by: Kaley
Edited by: Caleb

Friday, November 30, 2012

Student Post 11/30

Today we had our DLR quiz that we have every other Friday. In math we learned about rotational and line symmetry. In science we're making power points on animal kingdoms. In social studies we're making brochures so people can come to our settlements. In art we made wire statues. We did our literature circles. Each group talks about the book they're reading. At the end of the day we had home run club.

Posted by: Jon
Edited by: Logan

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Student Post 11/29

Today in math we checked our homework and made a mobile that demonstrated congruent and similar polygons. In Science we worked on our continent project. In writing (we switched writing and social studies because we had the laptop cart), we typed our personal narratives. Instead of block we had food power, which explained the powers of food and their effects. In reading we had Daily 5. In social studies we worked on our Colonial project.

Posted by: Jacob
Edited by: Jasmine

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Student Post 11/28

First, we learned about polygons during math. Second, we had another work day during social studies. Next, in science we started researching for our animal project. After music, lunch, and recess we changed seats. At the end of the day we had daily 5 and writing. Don't forget to bring in items for Adopt-A-Family!

Posted by: Brett
Edited by: Harry

Student Post 11/27

First, we did DLR. Then, we checked math homework on lines and angles. We measured angles and did centers. After that, we had a work day in social studies. We did the study guide or create a colony. Then, we went to gym and played charades. After that, we had lunch. At 1:15 PM we went over DLR. During reading we met with lit. circles and read our lit. circle books. At 2:30 PM we did writing. In writing, we did our dedication page, back cover blurb, and about the author. Lastly, we packed up.

Posted by: Thomas
Edited by: Kaley

Monday, November 26, 2012

Student Post 11/26

This week for adopt-a-family we are bringing in cleaning supplies. In math, we are learning about geometry. We made a flip book on 9 vocabulary words. We went over daily science and watched a brain pop video. In social studies we started our study guide. We did daily 3 choices in reading and edited our personal narratives in writing.

Posted by: Caleb
Edited by: Jenoha

This Week in Room 33! Nov. 26-30

What to expect this week in 5th grade:

Morning Work- Students will be working on their DLR this week. Our DLR quiz will be on Friday.

Math- We are beginning our unit on geometry this week. This unit will cover chapters 20 and 21. Our test will be Friday, Dec. 7th.

Social Studies- Students will be given the chapter 4 study guide tomorrow as well as our "Create a Colony" project. The project will be due Mon. 12/3 (or Tue. 12/4 for LEAP students). The study guide will be due Tue. 12/4 and our test will be on Wed. 12/5. Students will have this whole week of class time to complete the study guide and project.

Reading- Our focus this week will be on comparing and contrasting when reading nonfiction articles. Students will have literature circles on Tue. and Fri. By Friday we will have learned all of the literature circle roles! These include: Discussion Director, Summarizer, Clarifier, Connector/Predictor, and Illustrator.

Thank you to Jack's mom for telling me about St. Louis County Library's winter reading program! Be sure to stop by your local library to get more information. The program encourages students to read during the holiday season. Your student can fill out a reading log and enter raffles for prizes! :) Check out this link for more information:

Writing- We are working on editing our personal narratives and publishing this week! Our books will be due next Thurs. 12/6 for an author celebration.

Adopt-A-Family- Be sure to bring in cleaning supplies this week- we are up to 346 items- WOW!!!! :)

Have a FANTASTIC week!

-Mrs. Schaefer

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Student Post 11/20

First, we worked on our tough turkey teasers. Next, we worked on our math test for Unit 4. After our math test, we watched a Charlie Brown video about the Mayflower. After that, we wrote some notes in science. After lunch and recess, our buddies showed up and we wrote Thanksgiving cards. During reading, we did daily 5. Finally we did a Thanksgiving scoot activity and went over our Time for Kids. Have a good Thanksgiving!! :)

Posted by: Megan
Edited by: Anya

Monday, November 19, 2012

Student Post 11/19

Today was a LEAP day. First, we did "Tough Turkey Teasers". Then, we did a math review for our test tomorrow. After that, we did an alike/different chart about the Dutch and French in social studies. Then, we did science. We had music. At 12:25 we went to lunch. Then we listened to Phantom Tollbooth. After that, we did daily 5. Then, in writing we read to our partners and asked questions about our personal narratives. Lastly, we packed up.

Posted by: Thomas
Edited by: Harry

This (Short) Week in Room 33! Nov. 19-20

What to expect this week in 5th grade:

Morning Work- Students will get a chance to work on their Time for Kids article that is due Tuesday (this was given to students Friday during centers). Students will also have a "Turkey" packet with fun holiday-themed activities they may choose to work on.

Math- Today we will be reviewing for our Unit 4 test tomorrow. Please study homework sheets! Unit 4 covers chapters 9-12 and is on dividing by 1- and 2-digit divisors, dividing decimals by whole numbers, and using multiplication and division in algebra.

Social Studies- We will be continuing our study on chapter 4.

Reading- We will continue with our "daily 5" independent activities and guided reading small groups. Please check in with your student to be sure they are reading at home- especially over Thanksgiving break! :)

Writing- We will be working on conferring with each other on our personal narrative drafts and begin editing for spelling, punctuation, and grammar.

THANK YOU!!! Thank you for bringing in all the items for Adopt-a-Family! So far we have brought in 275 items- WOW! Our chain is almost around the room! :)

Thanksgiving Break- Enjoy your time with family, friends, and food! I am so very thankful to be your child's teacher and couldn't be prouder of their accomplishments so far this school year! Happy Thanksgiving!

-Mrs. Schaefer

Friday, November 16, 2012

Student Post 11/16

We started the day with DLR and then we reviewed for our math test by playing math baseball. Then, we studied pilgrims in social studies. In science we studied different animal kingdoms. We went to gym and saw a health video. After, we did lunch and recess. Last, we did reading centers. 

Posted by: Aaron
Edited by: Caleb

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Student Post 11/15

First, we had DLR for morning work. During math time, we learned about the distributive property. In social studies, we had a field trip on the computer about the Jamestown colony. In science, we learned the steps of elimination of the plants and animal kingdom. After block and lunch/recess,we did a project on the author's purpose. Once we finished, we had writing and we were revising our personal narritives and adding strong opening sentences. Do not forget that the DLR quiz is tomorrow and cold read is due tomorrow. Tomorrow if Jingle for Jammies and picture retake day.

Posted by: Emina
Edited by: Aaron

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Student Post 11/14

First, we had an a character assembly. Next, we had math and have 12.6 odds for homework tonight. Then, we had block. We either got to pick between gym and art with our buddies. After that, we did lit. circles. After that, we had lunch and recess. When we returned to class, we did read aloud. Finally, we packed up to leave for the day. Don't forget DLR quiz on Friday.

Posted by: Emilyann
Edited by: Jon

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Student Post 11/13

First up we are doing DLR. In math, first we checked our homework. Then, we learned about function tables. In music we did Christmas songs. After recess we had read aloud. We are reading  Phantom Tollbooth. After that we had evaluate. In writing we are working on our personal narraties.

Posted by: Logan
Edited by: Jacob

Monday, November 12, 2012

This Week in Room 33! Nov. 12-16

What to expect this week in 5th grade:

Morning Work- Students will be working on DLR (Daily Language Review) in the mornings. Our DLR quiz will be on Friday. The DLR sheet is kept in binders and can be reviewed at home before the quiz.

Math- We are working on Chapter 12 this week in preparation for our Unit 4 test which will now be next Tuesday, Nov. 20th. This test covers chapters 9-12 which includes dividing whole numbers, decimals, and algebra. We will be reviewing on Friday and Monday.

Social Studies-  We are continuing our study on European Explorers. We are discussing Roanoke, Jamestown, Pilgrims, Puritans, etc.

Reading- We are taking our evaluate test this week, continuing literature circles, and discussing author's purpose. The cold read this week is called "Two Sisters" and is due on Friday.

Writing- We are selecting the personal narrative draft we would like to publish and will be revising.

  • This Wed. is early release. Dismissal will be at 1:40.
  • Please bring in paper products for Adopt-a-Family 
Thank you so much for all of the donations last week for Cystic Fibrosis and for our pizza party! Also, thank you for all of the Adopt-a-Family donations we have received so far! We are already at 115 items- WOW! :)

Have a fantastic week! 

-Mrs. Schaefer

Student Post 11/12

We are doing adopt-a-family and so far we are doing pretty good because Emilyann and Anya brought in 68 cans today. We are doing fantastic! Right now we are reading The Phantom Tollbooth and we are in Dictionopolis and they are selling words. Pretty weird, right? Okay, we are taking the evaluate and it is very quiet. Oh year, I forgot to tell you that we have 115 rings on our adopt-a-family chain and we are hoping for more! Now we are writing and revising our personal narratives. Bye!

Posted by: Harry
Edited by: Logan

Friday, November 9, 2012

Student Post 11/9

First we went to the Veterans Day assembly. Very good job Noah, Aaron, Jessie, and me! Next we read books and did writing. After that we learned how to use the order of operations to evaluate expressions. Then it was block-a-thon. Next we had our party while eating pizza and cookies and watching Madagascar! Then we read some of Phantom Tollbooth. Next we got a choice to either work on Buckle Down, spelling test, and cold read. Don't forget we have 12.2 odds/all mixed review and cold read.

P.S. We met with our buddies and read books!

Posted by: Emily C.
Edited by: Amy

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Student Post 11/8

First we went to counseling and learned not to do drugs. For social studies we watched a brain pop on Queen Elizabeth I and did the quiz. Then we had to compare and contrast the European explorers. Next, in science we were finishing up our project on plants and animals. Then we had to write down some information about the kingdoms. After lunch and recess we had to go over some questions for math. Then we read from Phantom Tollbooth. During reading we went in literature circle groups and went to the library to read. Remember to wear red, white, and blue for the Veteran's day assembly tomorrow!

Posted by: Anya
Edited by: Megan

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Student Post 10/7

At the beginning of the day we read or did our words contract. In math we did an around the room decimal scavenger hunt. In social studies we covered European explorers. In science we started a plant and animal unit. After lunch and recess Mrs. Schaefer read some of The Phantom Tollbooth. After that, we had a half hour Read-A-Thon. Then, we did literature circles. We all asked open-ended questions. Lastly, we worked on our personal narratives.

Posted by: Jack
Edited by: Owen

UPDATE FROM MRS. SCHAEFER: There has been a change to our Math schedule this week. We will NOT have our Unit 4 test this Friday. We will be covering chapter 12 instead before we take our Unit 4 test. I am so sorry for the mix-up!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

This Week in Room 33! Nov. 7-9

What to expect this week in 5th grade:

Morning Work- Students will be reading to self in the morning and/or finishing up their words contract. Words contracts are due this Friday and spelling tests are also this Friday! Students have a choice to take it on Thursday if they are ready. 

Math- We will be reviewing on Wed. and Thurs. for our Unit 4 test on Dividing Whole Numbers and Decimals on Friday. Please study your homework sheets. Don't forget to always check your work by multiplying the quotient and the divisor! This will ensure that you do not make any mistakes!

Social Studies- This week we will continue to discuss chapter 4 on European settlements.

Reading- We will continue to work on literature circles this week focusing on the roles of discussion director and summarizer. Also, we will focus on the strategy of determining author's purpose. 

Writing- We will be working on our study of personal narratives by listening to how writers include what he or she learns as a result of what happens in their story. Students will continue drafting personal narratives in their notebook. We will be selecting a draft to revise, edit, and publish next week.

Service Learning Kick-A-Thon! This week Concord is kicking off our school-wide service learning project geared towards supporting Cystic Fibrosis research in honor of a Concord 1st grade student. Students brought home a flyer last Friday with more information. Each day this week students are encouraged to bring in $1 to participate in our "a-thon" days:
  • Wed. Read-A-Thon Day: Bring a favorite book to read.
  • Thurs. PJ-A-Thon Day: Wear PJs for the day.
  • Fri. Block-A-Thon Day: Choose your own block class.
To learn more please watch the video found HERE.

  • Thank you to ALL parents who attended conferences! We had 100% attendance- WOW! I loved getting to meet with you all to talk about your amazing kids! Please remember you can always contact me with any other questions you may have. 
  • Thank you to all parents who helped with our Halloween party- it was SO fun and the kids had a blast! :)
I hope you had a WONDERFUL 4-day weekend! Have a fantastic rest of the week! :)

-Mrs. Schaefer

Friday, November 2, 2012

Student Post 11/2

We had a fun and great day. During math, we learned how to change a fraction to a decimal by dividing. For homework we have 11.5. Make sure to check your work! In science we had a test on the weather. We had a fun social studies. We played games and watched videos about the 2012 election. After lunch we hung out with our buddies and made posters for Veteran's Day. After that we got to pretend like we were voting. We filled out a voting slip and put in who we wanted on the computers. During reading, we went over The Tower and started our literature circle jobs. Have a good and safe weekend!

Posted by: Jessie
Edited by: Noah

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Student Post 11/1

First we shared what we did last night for Halloween. We played "Find a Buddy Who". It was fantastic! After that we graded our homework. We have 11.3 math homework tonight. We will have our math test next Thursday. Today we did some xtramath and then harcourt center on the laptops. We did dividing decimals. In social studies we watched a video about the election and we got to take a quiz on it. Then we went to science. Don't forget to study for our science test tomorrow. Then we went to art. Remember to bring a 200 mL water bottle. After lunch and recess we read some of Roald Dahl's The Witches. We had homerun club today. Don't forget cold read is due tomorrow!

Posted by: Anya
Edited by: Jasmine

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!

Student Post 10/31

Today is Halloween! We had an assembly and there was a magician. The magic words were "Reach for success- Drug Free!" Then, we made Halloween poems using adjectives, nouns, adverbs, and verbs. After, we went to do the pumpkin run. Next, we had popcorn at the pavillion. After lunch and indoor recess we got dressed into our costumes and did the parade. Lastly, we had our party with minute to win it games and we wrapped mummies. Happy trick-or-treating!

Posted by: Jordan, Emily C., and Emina
Edited by: Mrs. Schaefer

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Student Post 10/30

This morning we had a sub. Then, we checked 10.5 and started learning to divide decimals. In social studies, we learned about King Philip II of Spain and Queen Elizabeth of England. Then in science, we finished our weather data charts. In gym today we played two games. Then, after lunch we voted for a pizza party for our bingo behavior reward. We had a double daily 5 and after reading an autobiography on Patricia Polacco we wrote in our notebooks. Our homework is 11.2, cold read due Friday and also tomorrow is pumpkin run. Don't forget to bring your Halloween costume!

Posted by: Amy
Edited by: Jordan

Monday, October 29, 2012

Student Post 10/30

First, we did around the room division in math. Next, we started a new chapter in social studies called European Settlements. Then, in science we reviewed buckle down. After music, lunch, and recess we read a few pages from The Witches. Once we finished we had daily 5 and got to start literature circles. Finally, in writing we worked on our personal narrative drafts.

Posted by: Brett
Edited by: Jack

Sunday, October 28, 2012

This Week in Room 33! Oct. 29-Nov. 2

What to expect this week in 5th grade:

Morning Work- Students will get time in the morning to work on their words contract (due Fri. Nov. 9th). Students will also have a day to post on our kidblog website and read/comment on other student posts.

Math- We are continuing our work on division and will be starting to divide decimals. I could not be prouder of our mathematicians! We have been working so hard during our math workshop. Once  a week we are able to use the laptop cart. Below is a picture of our class working on double digit division  last week on the Study Jams website.

Social Studies- We will begin Chapter 4: European Settlements and practice the reading strategy of summarizing. We will also discuss the upcoming presidential election.

Reading- We will begin literature circles this week. Students will choose a book within groups and will begin to read and learn expectations and procedures. I am so excited for students to begin to read, discuss, and share novels together! The cold read "The Tower" is due Friday. Please make sure your students is using RAP for the response questions- we are getting MUCH better at this! :)

Writing- We will continue to explore personal narratives and drafting our own.

Fall Festival- Wednesday will be a busy and exciting day! We will have our Drug Free assembly in the morning. The Pumpkin Run is scheduled from 11:15-11:35 for 5th grade. The Halloween parade is from 1:40-2 and our Halloween party will be from 2-3!

Home Run Club- Our October home run club will be Thursday.

I am looking forward to meeting with you all at conferences this week! See you on Monday or Thursday! :)

Friday, October 26, 2012

Student Post 10/26

We started off the day with a DLR quiz. Next, we had math. In math, we practiced more double digit division and made a "How to" on how to solve a division problem. After that, we had science. In science, we did a wind speed graph. After that, we had lunch. When we returned we read part of The Witches and then we corrected our cold reads and then we had centers and packed up.

Posted by: Jenoha
Edited by: Thomas

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Student Post 10/25

Today in math we learned about a new website: In social studies, we went over our study guide. In science we started making a weather unit graph on the computer. In reading we worked on daily 5. In writing we wrote personal narratives with sensory details. Don't forget tomorrow is Concord gear day! Don't forget your math homework, cold read, study for DLR quiz and social studies test.

Posted by: Jacob
Edited by: Jessie

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Student Post 10/24

During math we graded our homework. Then we practiced math on our whiteboards and did a division challenge sheet. When math workshop ended we started social studies. Everyone tried to finish our study guide for our test on Friday. Don't forget it's due tomorrow. After that we went to science. When we came back to class we got ready for gym class. In gym we had inflatables. Then we had lunch/recess. We came back, read a part of Witches and made a summary of a book we've read before. After that we had writing. Last, we packed up to go home. Our homework is 10.1 odds. Don't forget tomorrow we can wear our PJs!

Posted by: Jasmine
Edited by: Emily C.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Crazy sock day!

We are crazy about being drug free! Don't forget to wear your favorite team jersey tomorrow!

Student Post 10/23

First, for morning work we did DLR. Next, in math we figured out what to do with the remainder in division. After that, we had science. We used the clickers to review things. Then, we had social studies and learned about New Spain. Next, we had reading and learned about sequencing. In writing, we wrote personal narratives. Then it was time to pack up.

Posted by: Jon
Edited by: Emina

This Week in Room 33! Oct. 22-26

What to expect this week in 5th grade:

Morning Work- Student will be working on DLR this week. There will be a DLR quiz on Friday morning. Students can study their DLR sheet to prepare (located in their binders). Students are also on a schedule in which every morning there are 5 students who are able to go on our new Kid Blog and type in a post and comment on other posts.

Math- We are continuing to work on Unit 4 on dividing. Our class is doing a FANTASTIC job on 80% of our class has reached an 80% or higher on their multiplication facts! Wow! In fact, we have 4 students who have mastered multiplication and are working on division and 1 student who has mastered both multiplication and division facts! I am meeting with students who need the extra practice with mutliplication this week- please help your child practice these facts- it is crucial to know them for our upcoming units in math!

Social Studies- We are completing Chapter 3 this week. Our study guide is due Thursday and our test is on Friday.

Reading- This week our focus is on sequencing and summarizing. We will also be completing our book exit slips with a focus on writing a book summary. Guided reading groups are also continuing this week. Cold Read is due Friday.

Writing- We completed our 1st writing pieces last week. They did a wonderful job on these!!! They are displayed outside our room waiting for you to check them out when you come in for conferences next week! :) We are beginning our next unit of writing on personal narratives this week.


  • Conferences are next week (Monday Oct. 29th and Thurs. Nov. 1st). If you have not returned the conference sheet I sent home last week please return it this week!
  • Please make sure your student has turned in the Pumpkin Run permission slip for next Wed.'s Fall Festival.
  • Please be sure to send in Halloween party items (see email from Mrs. Long).
  • No School: November 5th and 6th
Hope you are staying dry!!! Have a great week!

-Mrs. Schaefer

Monday, October 22, 2012

Student Post 10/22

Today in math we used white boards practicing division. In social studies we worked on our study guide due Thursday. Our test is on Friday. In science we went over daily science. Then we had gym, lunch, and recess. Then we did an activity with our cold read (due Friday) using sequencing. In writing we started a new story and then it was time to pack up. Don't forget homework tonight (math 4.3 odds).

Posted by: Kaley
Edited by: Megan

Friday, October 19, 2012

Student Post 10/19

First we got our new cold read. After that we applied for new class jobs. Then we did an inferencing sheet. After math we all shared our writing pieces. For our block, we had art. Last we did centers. Remember to do your cold read. Have a good weekend! Go Cards!:)

Posted by: Owen
Edited by: Caleb 

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Student Post 10/18

In math we are working on dividing. Out homework is 9.3 odds. In S.S. we are learning about spanish explorers. In science we did our anemometer investigation. Then we had block. Then it was lunch and recess. Then we had daily 5 where you get 3 options: word work, read to self, or work on writing. We shared some writing pieces but not all of them. That was pretty much our day!

Posted by: Noah
Edited by: Emilyann

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Student Post 10/17

During math time we learned about quotient, divisor, dividend and dividing by 3 digit numbers. Then we had social studies. We are learning about Christopher Columbus and Magellan. Then in Science we went over daily science. Don't forget to do it tonight. Then we had music, lunch, and recess. Next was reading and writing. Mrs. Critchlow came in. Then it was time to go. Don't forget to do 9.2 odds for homework. Our books are due tomorrow for writing!

Posted by: Kaley
Edited by: Noah

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Student Post 10/16

Today we arrived at school and then loaded on to the bus. After a while we passed the river and went into the border of Illinois. We went to the 154 step mound. Then we went to see the incredible models, diagrams, and movie slides of Cahokia at the museum. Then we ate lunch and played outside. When we came back we went to kidblog and then worked on our stories.

Posted by: Aaron
Edited by: Thomas

Busy authors!!!

A beautiful day at Cahokia!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Student Post 10/16

Today we just started a new unit in math. In social studies we learned about astrolabes, profit, and slavery. In science we went over Buckle Down. We had art today. We learned about a new kid blog! We started a new thing in reading when we finish a book we write the title, summary, and recommendation and put the paper on the wall. Also today in reading we learned about inferencing. After reading we had writing and in writing we worked on our published piece. Don't forget tomorrow pack a sack lunch because we are going on a field trip to Cahokia!!!!!!

Posted by: Emily R.
Edited by: Kaley

This Week in Room 33! Oct. 15-19

What to expect this week in 5th grade:

Morning Work- This week students will be introduced to a new website called Kid Blog. There will be a schedule in which each student has a morning each week to blog on the computers. The link to our blog is- This link is also on my website under "Our Class Websites". It is also on our blog in the left margin. Students will also be reading to self or working on their writing or words contract if they are not blogging. We are busy in the morning! :)

Math- This week we are beginning Unit 4 on dividing whole numbers and decimals. Keep practicing those basic multiplication and division facts! Try Math Magician!

Social Studies- We are continuing our lessons in chapter 3 on the Age of Exploration. There will be no social studies on Tuesday (field trip to Cahokia!) and Friday (half day of school).

Reading- We are continuing with our mini lessons on inferencing and working in small groups for guided reading. Students will be completing a "Book Exit Slip" this week on an independent book they have read so far this year. These exit slips will be displayed so other students can find recommendations. Students will complete a short inferencing assessment on Friday. Students should be able to explain what inferencing is and what formula we use to find an inference.

Writing- In writing we are completing our 1st published writing piece. Students' "books" are due on Thursday. They will have time in class to type their writing and put together their books but if they do not finish in class they should complete it at home. I am so excited for us to share our first published pieces!

Words Contract/Spelling Test- Students' words contracts are due this Friday. They will have a choice to take their spelling test on Thursday or Friday on spellingcity. Please make sure your student has ear buds to use for this test.

Cahokia- Tomorrow (Tuesday) we will be heading out on our 1st field trip! We are leaving at 9 and should be returning by 1:30. Your student should bring a packed lunch as we will be eating there outside. Your student should be dressed appropriately for walking (sneakers please).

Friday is a Half Day- Friday's dismissal will be at 11:50. Please make sure your student knows how he/she is going home.

Conferences- Conference sheets are being sent home today (tomorrow for LEAP students). Please return the bottom half as soon as possible.

Enjoy your week! :)

-Mrs. Schaefer

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Happy Birthday!

A special happy birthday to our August, September, and October birthdays! :)

Friday, October 12, 2012

Student Post 10/12

First,we started our day with a Unit 3 test math test ,which was about multiplication. In Social Studies we watched a Christopher Columbus video. In science, we shared our atmosphere posters. After block lunch/recess we had read aloud. We started a new book called The Phantom Tollbooth. Finally, we had centers. After centers we packed up. Word contract is due Friday, October 19. Our field trip to Cahokia is on Tuesday, October 16. Bring a 20 oz. clear plastic bottle for art on Monday. Have a nice weekend!

Posted by: Emina
Edited by: Emilyann

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Student Post 10/11

Today during math we graded our study guide and did some practice problems. In social studies we had to draw a map with colored pencils and crayons. In science today we filled out our weather data chart. Also we did an atmosphere project. Today we had music. In music we had to play recorders and then we got to have popular music. After recess we did a reading evaluate. After the reading evaluate we went to the library. In the library we played a game called electoral votes.

Posted by: Anya

Edited by: Emina

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Student Post 10/10

Today in math we reviewed for our test on Friday. After that in social studies we watched a Brain Pop about the silk road. In science we worked on our poster about the earth's atmopshere. We had gym class for block and did a lot of activites. Then we took our math evaluate test. So that was our day at school! Remember we have our cold read due friday and our words contract due on October 19th. Dont forget to bring in a plastic, clear 20oz bottle for art class on Monday.

Posted by: Jordan
Edited by: Jasmine

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Student Post 10/9

We learned how to multiply decimals with zero in the product. We finished Hugo and it was marvelous and awesome. At the end of the day we moved our desks and I think we did good but it was a little loud. So now at the end of the day we are packing up. I'll see you tomorrow!

Posted by: Harry

Monday, October 8, 2012

This Week in Room 33! Oct. 8-12

What to expect this week in 5th grade:

Morning Work- Students will have time in the morning to work on their words contract. The new words contract is due Friday, Oct. 19th. The spelling test will be on this date as well.

Math- We are finishing up Unit 3 in math this week. Our unit test will be on Friday. We will have review days on Wed. and Thurs. Homework sheets are one of the best resources to use when studying for these tests.

Social Studies- Students did a WONDERFUL job on their Native American projects! Wow! I was so impressed by the presentations. Your children are fantastic public speakers and great listeners. This week we are starting Chapter 3: Age of Exploration.

Reading- We are focusing on the reading strategy inferencing this week. We will be taking the October eValuate test this week (the new Tungsten). 

Writing- This week we are editing our drafts and working on publishing our writing pieces! Our focus in editing is spelling, punctuation, and capitalization. 

Field Trip- We are excited to go to Cahokia on October 16th for our 1st field trip. If you are interested in coming along as a chaperon please email me. If you have not turned in your permission slips, please turn them in this week! (I will email these parents this week as well.)

Enjoy your week- Go Cards!!!

-Mrs. Schaefer

Student Post 10/8

Today in math we learned how to multiply decimals by using models. In social studies Owen got to show his native american project and Amy will show hers tomorrow. We also started a new chapter called Age Of Exploration. For art remember to bring in 20 oz plastic bottles tomorrow! In Daily 5 in our mini lesson we learned how to make inferences. In science we went over our buckle down and daily science. The cold read is due Friday and we have 8.3 odds for math homework.
Posted by: Emily C.
Edited by: Jessie

Friday, October 5, 2012

Student Post 10/5

In the morning we had a DLR quiz. During math we learned patterns with decimal factors and products. After our lesson we did math workshop. In social studies we presented some of our Native American projects. While we were in science we had a quiz about 13 vocabulary words and the 7 steps of the scientific method. When we came back from lunch/recess we read Hugo and graded our cold read. After that we had centers (buckle down, time for kids, computers, and read to self).

Posted by: Jasmine
Edited by: Harry

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Student Post 10/4

This morning we did DLR. In math we are learning how to multiply decimals and whole numbers. In gym we played a card game and we played a game where we took the balls and tagged them. After recess we had read aloud. We are reading Hugo Cabret. After Hugo we practiced main idea. After that, Mrs. Schaefer worked with groups and we did writing or reading.

Posted by: Logan
Edited by: Owen

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Student Post 10/3

First we had social studies class and we shared our dioramas and Power Points. Then we went to science. Don't forget we have a science quiz Friday. Next, we went to an assembly and a meteorologist from channel 2 news came. After art, lunch, and recess we had home run club. Remember our cold read is due this Friday.

Posted by: Brett
Edited by: Caleb

Student Post 10/2

First we did math and went over evaluate with the teacher and did calendar math. Then in science we went over air pressure. After that in gym we played basketball. Then we went over DLR. After that we read Uncle Jed's Barbershop. Next we did read to self and writing.

Posted by: Thomas
Edited by: John

Monday, October 1, 2012

This Week in Room 33! Oct. 1-5

What to expect this week in 5th grade:

Morning Work- We will be working on DLR this week for morning work. We will have our DLR quiz on Friday morning. The DLR sheet is kept in your student's binder. You may want to review this with your student to help prepare for the quiz.

Math- We are continuing to work on Unit 3 on multiplication. Please check how your student is doing with basic fact recall. Use flashcards and see how fast your child can give you the product. Try the following website at home: Math Magician. Knowing our basic multiplication facts is essential to success in math this year!

Social Studies- Tomorrow is our last work day in class for our Native American tribe project. The model and Power Point are due on Wed. The models will be displayed in the library. Please make sure your child includes his/her name on the model that can be easily viewed. Students will present their Power Points for the remainder of the week.

Reading- We are continuing to be independent readers and learners in our daily 5 work sessions! Guided reading groups are continuing this week and our focus is on determining importance by finding the main idea and supporting details.

Writing- We are working on revising our pieces to make them interesting and exciting for the reader. We are working on substituting overused words with more interesting words.Ask your child about their piece that they will be publishing.

*Wednesday will be our September Home Run Club (all of our students will be participating!) Students may bring in an extra snack for this reward.

Enjoy your week!

-Mrs. Schaefer

Student Post 10/1

We started off the day with with a DLR sheet, then we had math workshop. After Math workshop we worked on Social Studies and for those people who are not done with their native american model and power point, it is due on Wednesday. After Social Studies we went to Science. In Science we watched a Bill Nye the Science Guy video. After Science we went to Music. Then we had lunch and recess. Then we had lunch and recess. After recess we had to find the main idea in a song by Dolly Parton. Finally, we had daily 5 and then writing.

Posted by: Jenoha
Edited by: Jack

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Student Post 9/27

Today in math we reviewed multi-digit multiplication. Then in Social Studies we worked on our Native American Project. We worked on our weather unit in science. In reading we worked on building our stamina. We did a mini lesson where making spaghetti can be like your brain and focusing on major details. The noodles represent the major details, the water represents unimportant details. No school tomorrow!

Posted by: Jacob
Edited by: Amy

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Student Post 9/26

First, we did estimating problems in math and stations. In science we are going to make a cup animometer. In social studies we had a test on chapter 2. In art we made a color wheel. Mrs. Schaefer read Hugo Cabret chapter 6 called "Purpose". For daily 5 we did read to self. In writing we worked on revising our drafts. Our homework for today is math sheet 7.1 odds and our cold read and words contract is due tomorrow..

Posted by: Caleb
Edited by: Aaron

Ask your child about today's short lesson on determining importance. What pieces of Mrs. Schaefer's purse were most important for her to bring to cheerleading practice today? Why were these pieces the most important?

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Student Post 9/25

Today we had a math test. It was on graphs, plots, organizing data, mean, median, and mode. In science we are making anemometers. In gym we played a game called dribble, pass, and shoot. We listened to Hugo, a book we read everyday after recess. We had our first counseling today. Our counselor, Mrs. Critchlow, taught us how we can use study habits to help us study. In writing we are learning about the writing process. We had a good day!

Posted by: Jon
Edited by: Logan

Reminder- Picture Day is tomorrow! Study for your Social Studies test tomorrow!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Student Post 9/24

Today in math, we divided the class into 4 small groups to prepare for tomorrow's test in centers. Next in science, we went over daily science and buckle down. Then we had music, lunch, and recess. In Hugo Cabret, we found out that Papa Georges made movies! Next in reading, we started groups. Last but not least, in writing we talked about publishing. Make sure to bring recorders the next C day.

Posted by: Megan
Edited by: Brett

This Week in Room 33! Sept. 24-27

What to expect this week in 5th grade:

Morning Work- This week students have a choice to work on their cold read, words contract, or read to self for morning work. Last Friday I met with groups to go over the expectations for their cold read. Students know that each question after the passage is worth 3 points: 
  1. Did I use RAP? (Restate, Answer, Prove) 
  2. Did I write in a complete sentence?
  3. Did I answer the question correctly?
Please remind your student of the above cold read expectations. The trickiest parts seem to be restating the question in the answer and remembering to prove each question by going back in the passage and underlining where the answer was found (and numbering it!)

Math- Tomorrow (Tue.) is our Unit 2 test on data and graphing. Wed. and Thurs. we will begin Unit 3: Multiply Whole Numbers and Decimals. Please encourage your student to practice the basic multiplication facts. Has your student tried at home? (Flyers were sent home with curriculum night packet on how to log in at home.)

Social Studies- The chapter 2 study guide is due tomorrow. We will review the study guide to prepare for our test on Wed. Thursday will be a project day with the laptop cart. Students will be working on their Power Points. Please have your student bring in a flash drive to save their Power Point in case they need to finish it at home. The project is due Wed. Oct. 3. 

Reading- We have been doing a FANTASTIC job implementing our independent "dailies" (read to self, work on writing, and word work). We have been building our stamina and are ready to start guided reading groups! This week we will focus on learning our guided reading expectations and routines as well as finding the main idea. Did your student decorate his/her reader's notebook?

Writing- We are starting a new unit in writing on the writing process. This week, students will be selecting a draft to develop and publish. We will work on revising their drafts by adding sensory details. Ask your student which draft they are choosing.

Word Study (Spelling)- Words contracts are due this Thursday and their test will be on Thursday as well. I am giving the students the option to take the test on Wed. if they feel they are ready. Tests will be given on Please be sure your student has ear buds or headphones to use. Students can practice their words by going to

Student Reporters- Have you noticed our student posts on our blog? Each day a student is chosen to be our reporter and will type their post on our blog. Be sure to check the blog daily for a student update.
  • Please turn in field trip permission slips
  • Picture day is this Wed. It is also Be There Day! 
  • No school this Friday.
Have a wonderful week!

-Mrs. Schaefer

Friday, September 21, 2012

Student Post 9/21

Today in math was a review day. We were answering questions regarding the unit and preparing for the test on Tuesday. In Social Studies we worked on our "Graffiti Walls" for whichever lesson we were assigned to. In Science we talked about instruments that meteorologists used. Today was a B-day so we had P.E. for block today. Since it was Friday we did centers for most of the afternoon. The centers were Read to self, Science buckle down, our cold read, and spelling and going over RAP w/ Mrs. Schaefer. That was basically our day.

                                                                                                                         Written by Noah
                                                                                                                          Edited by Jordan

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Student Post 9/20

This morning we worked on our words contracts, which are due 9-27-12. Then we went into Math where we learned more about graphs and made graphs using M&M's. In Social Studies we did a graffiti project in class and our study guide is due 9-25-12. The test is the following day. Today in Science we got our tests back and learned about thermometers. Don't forget daily science! Science was followed by Art, lunch, recess, and Hugo. The day ended with a double daily 5 and a fire drill. Math homework tonight is 6.6 odds, finish the graphs, and cold read is due tomorrow. Have a nice day!

Posted by: Amy
Edited by: Anya

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Student Post 9/19

Today in math we learned about histograms and line graphs and studied multiplication on the computers ( In social studies we picked an indian tribe and looked them up on the computer for our Native American project due Wed. October 3rd. Then we took a science test and I thought it was pretty easy. I hope that is how everyone else felt! We practiced our spelling words during the daily 5 (word work). To sum the day up we wrote about anything we wanted, packed up, and headed for home!

Posted by: Jack
Edited by: Jacob

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Student Post 9/18

First, in math we learned two vocabulary words: interval and scale. Then in science we finished our study guide. After lunch and recess we came back and got two bingo chips for coming in so quietly. Last, we got started putting stuff in our reading notebook. Don't forget to do your homework (see below) and build your reading stamina!

Posted by: Owen
Edited by: Megan

Math- 6.1 odds
Reading- decorate reader's notebook, cold read due Fri.
Science- study for test tomorrow

Monday, September 17, 2012

Student Post 9/17

Today during math we learned about pictographs, bar graphs, line graphs, and circle graphs. We even made our own graphs using the colors of smarties. During social studies we learned about the U.S. Constitution and watched a fun Brain Pop. In science, we all went over our buckle down and our daily science homework. After that we had gym, lunch, and then read aloud. After that we had reading and writing, during that time we had word work, work on reading, and work on writing. For homework we have math sheet 5.5 and don't forget the cold read is due Friday. Our Science study guide is due tomorrow and our test is on Wednesday.

Posted by: Jessie
Edited by: Emily C.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

This Week in Room 33! Sept. 17-21

What to expect this week in 5th grade:

Morning Work- As students arrive this week they will be given time each morning to work on their words (spelling) contract. This contract is due Thurs. 9/27. This day will also be their test day on their word list.

Math- This week we are working on Unit 2: Data and Graphing. Our unit test will be Tue. 9/25.

Social Studies- September 17th (Monday) is Constitution Day. We will discuss the U.S. Constitution and do an activity on the Preamble. The remainder of the week will be spent on reviewing chapter 2, working on our study guide, and discussing our upcoming Native American project. The chapter 2 study guide is due Tue. 9/25 and our test will be on Wed. 9/26.

Reading- We are continually reinforcing expectations and practicing our Daily 5 independent activities (Read to Self, Work on Writing, and Word Work). We will also set up our Reader's Notebooks. Please make sure your student is enjoying a good fit book to read for at least 20 minutes a night. Your student may also be working on the cold read at home ("John Muir") due this Friday 9/21.

Writing- This week we will be wrapping up our unit on getting ideas for writing by discussing how we can get ideas from nonfiction and "non-book" writing. We are also working on pair conferencing and being a supportive writing community.

Science with Mrs. Hausner- Scientific Method study guide is due this Tue. 9/18 and the test is on Wed. 9/19.

Reminders: Please turn in field trip permission slips. Please remember to buy or return the Entertainment books. Picture day is Wed. 9/26.

New this week: Check out our blog each day this week for student daily reports!

Thank you to those who brought in "wish list" items from Curriculum Night!!! :) If you were not at Curriculum Night and would like to donate one of the following items, our class will very much appreciate it!

  • clipboards
  • decks of cards
  • colorful post it notes
  • colorful index cards
  • kids black socks (to be used at whiteboard erasers)
Have a great week!

-Mrs. Schaefer

Friday, September 14, 2012

Homework Reminder 9/14

What a wonderfully full week of learning we have had!

I noticed during dismissal today (after parent pick-up students left) that I forgot to mention one very small detail about one of the math homework sheets to students. I felt awful for forgetting but my bus students quickly reassured me that I could just put it on the blog! So here we are! Below are all assignments that students are aware of plus the part I forgot (in bold).

Math- 5.2 odds and 5.3 (do NOT worry about #11 and 13) odds

Reading- new cold read (John Muir) due next Friday 9/21

SS- be thinking of a Native American culture to choose for research in our next project

Words- contract due Thurs. 9/27

Have a fantastic weekend! Pink Out game is tonight at LHS! Go Flyers!

Monday, September 10, 2012

LEAP Students- Check Out Today's Read Aloud!

Today during our read aloud we took pictures of the pages we read with our ELMO. This is a fantastic way for our LEAP students to catch up on what they missed. Here are the pictures that we read today from The Invention of Hugo Cabret:

We finished at the bottom of this page! We can't wait to find out what happens next as Isabelle and Hugo try to solve this mystery of the automaton.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

This Week in Room 33! Sept. 10-14

What to expect this week in 5th grade:

Morning Work- As your student arrives this week, we will be completing our DLR (Daily Language Review). This will be gone over every day to ensure that students will be ready for the DLR quiz given on Friday morning. This can be reviewed and studied at home as well. It is kept in your child's binder in front of the tabs.

Math- Monday and Tuesday we will be reviewing Unit 1 on whole numbers and decimals. Our unit test will be on Wednesday. To help your student prepare for this test you can review all the homework sheets that have been kept in our binders. This is a fantastic way to study for the test. The textbook at home can be used as a study aid as well. The remainder of the week will be focused on beginning Unit 2 on data and graphing.

Social Studies- This week we will be discussing Chapter 2: The First Americans. Students will complete various main idea/detail webs and other graphic organizers in their notebooks pertaining to each lesson's topics.

Reading- We will continue to reinforce our Read to Self and Work on Writing daily independent activities (the Daily Five). The third "daily" entitled Word Work will be introduced later in the week. Students will receive their first word list and learn the routines and expectations for our spelling contract.

Writing- We will continue our study on getting ideas for our writing by looking at poems and reading nonfiction texts. Students will learn and practice pair conferencing.

eValuate- Students will be given their first eValuate assessment this week for reading and math. This is the new Tungsten test and will be given monthly.

Early Release is Wednesday- Please make sure your student knows how to get home.

Our blog posts are now connected to Facebook. Please like us on Facebook to receive these updates!

Have a wonderful week!

-Mrs. Schaefer

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

This Week in Room 33!

I hope everyone had a nice, relaxing 3-day weekend! Here is what to expect for the remainder of our short week:

MathWe are on the tail-end of Unit 1 on whole numbers and decimals. Our unit test will be next Wednesday, Sept. 12. Our class is doing a fantastic job practicing the routines of our math workshop! Please remember that your student can practice his/her multiplication facts on the website The login information was included in the packet given out last week for Curriculum Night.

Social Studies- Students are doing a fantastic job presenting their Free Enterprise Projects! We just started today and will continue our presentations throughout the week. We will also start Chapter 2: The First Americans.

Reading- We are continuing to build our stamina and independence with our Daily 5 Read to Self and Work on Writing. We are independently reading for about 25 minutes and writing for 10-15- wow! We are also starting one-on-one conferences during these times. Next week we will start our third "daily"- Word Work.

Please ask your child to explain each of the above pictures. It will be a great review for them and you will learn more about what we are learning in our classroom!

Writing- We are continuing to get ideas for our own writing by reading mentor texts. This week we are getting ideas from pattern books, alphabet books, and poetry.

Special Note to Parents- Thank you so much for attending Curriculum Night! If you were unable to make it, please make sure you received the packet from your student (I sent these home with them last week). Please send in field trip permission slips as soon as possible. We are going to have such a fun year! :)

Don't forget to "Like" our Facebook page (the link is on the left!)

Enjoy the rest of your week!

-Mrs. Schaefer

Sunday, August 26, 2012

This Week in Room 33!

Here is what to expect this week in 5th grade:

Math- We are continuing our study of Unit 1: Using Whole Numbers and Decimals. Please make sure we are practicing our multiplication and division facts at home. We will begin using a website called Xtra Math ( in class to show what we know and practice our facts!

Social Studies- We will finish Chapter 1: America's Land on Monday. The chapter test will be on Friday, August 31st. We will complete a study guide and review in class. This week we will also be working on our Free Enterprise Project. Students will give their presentations on Tuesday, September 4th. Students will have class time to complete this but may also work on it at home. Students have the option of video taping their presentation at home and showing the video in class.

Reading- We are continuing to build our stamina and independence with our Daily 5 Read to Self and will begin Work on Writing. This week we will add more strategies to our CAFE board (I will add pictures this week to our blog and Facebook).

Writing- We are continuing to build a community of writers. We will read books by Patricia Polacco and use these as examples of good writing. We will continue to get ideas for writing and practice prewriting techniques.

Please join me this Thursday, August 30th from 6:30-7 for Curriculum Night! Looking forward to seeing you there!

Don't forget to "Like" our Facebook page (the link is on the left!)

Have a wonderful week! :)