This Week in Room 33! Oct. 28- Nov. 1
Important Reminders:
- Please turn in pumpkin run permission slips. We will run from 11:40-12:00 on 10/31
- The Fall Festival Party, 10/31, begins at 1:40 with our parade, followed by the party.
- No school this Friday 11/1
What to expect this week...
ELA: We are still working on our memoirs and revising focusing on the structure,
internal and external timeline, and the theory behind our memoir.
Students are encouraged to continue reading choice books but can also spend their
time reading nonfiction texts! There are so many awesome websites to explore and r
ead from---,,,,, and! Students can also access Myon and Brainpop
from their Clever account.
We will continue to work on adding and subtracting decimals this week and using models
and base-ten blocks.
We will continue our “Biz Town” lessons, exploring and discussing our community and
economy and work and careers. We will with a focus on taxes, private and public goods,
interest and skills, and applying for a job!
Fall Festival 2019-Action Needed!
With our new district name badge system, we would like to pre-print name badges for all visitors who plan
to attend the Fall Festival. Please fill out the form below if you plan on attending the Fall Festival so that we
can have you checked in and ready to go when you arrive. If you have not scanned your driver's license
yet this school year in the front office, you will need to come in anytime prior to October 30th so we can
pre-scan your ID. We have the capability to scan that day but lines may be long.
Please fill out this form for EACH guest attending regardless if they have been scanned yet.
Fall Festival Costume Guidelines
As you are preparing your child for their school party, please follow these guidelines when choosing a
- We discourage colored hair spray, but if you feel it is in keeping with the character, please spray hair before coming to school. No aerosol cans are allowed on the bus or at school.
- Costumes should not be graphically violent such a bloody masks, stab wounds, or other injuries.
- Costumes should not be offensive to any religion, race, or culture.
- Face masks that cover the entire face are prohibited for safety reasons.
- Costumes should not make any reference to substances that are prohibited for sale to minors.
- Costumes should not depict any activity that would otherwise be considered a crime or illegal act.
- Absolutely no weapons--real or pretend--or props that could cause injury. This includes, but it not limited to, knives, spears, hatchets, guns, and swords.