Monday, August 26, 2019

This Week in Room 33! Aug. 26-30



Please sign up for your parent-teacher “intake” conference using THIS LINK! Please read the following from Dr. Moehlmann’s Principal News e-Note. To prepare for this parent-led conference, please click HERE for a survey (answers are only shared with me). We can use these questions to guide our discussion. I truly appreciate all of the information you give, so we can work together to better meet your child’s needs this school year! 

The first six weeks of the year are crucial as we build relationships and develop communities in our classrooms and school. Parents and family members are highly important to this process, and we are excited to invite you in to participate in our INTAKE parent/teacher conference format on Thursday, September 10th and 12th from 4:00-7:00 p.m. These intake conferences are our opportunity to learn from YOU, as the experts, about your child. The conversations will support our home-school partnership and further develop the two-way communication that is so important to our collective efforts with Lindbergh students.

What is an intake conference?
An opportunity to- gain useful information about students from parents, establish partnerships, set goals for the school year, allow one-to-one communication

How do you prepare for this conference?
Think about your students- strengths, opportunities for growth, interests, motivators, how do these areas impact your child’s learning and interactions with peers?

What to expect this week in 5th grade...

STEAM: We are so excited to begin our first science unit, “From Sun to Food”, AND continue our first unit on place value this week. Students will work on creating Seesaw videos showing their learning, participate in small group instruction, and will be work in ALEKS (our individualized online program that will roll out starting in September) within our math workshop. We will be... 
  • Representing fractions as decimals and decimals as fractions 
  • Writing both fractions and decimals in word form 
  • Comparing decimals using greater than, less, than, or equal to symbols 
Our overall goal in math this week will be becoming comfortable with place value from the millions, down to the thousandths.

ELA: This week we will really focus on WRITING about our reading! We will use our ELA notebooks to help us push the level of our reading and thinking. We will try to snap our work every so often in Seesaw! We are kicking off our first writing unit (literary essays) by watching a short video clip about a football (soccer) team and the hardships they overcame during their journey to success.  As we watch the video clip, we will be practicing our research skills by pulling out important information and writing it down as we watch. We will be emphasizing the difference between scribbling down notes after reading (or viewing VS. BEGINNING our research with the goal of writing something down in mind.  Our class will learn how to recognize great evidence when we see it and use it to prove our point!

Please CONNECT with our classroom→ 
Facebook: @MrsSchaefers5thGradeClass
Remind 101: text @sch533 to 81010 to sign up! 
Class Blog:

Sunday, August 18, 2019

This Week in Room 33! Aug. 19-23

Happy 1st full week of school! I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend and had wonderful things to say about their first 2 days of school last week. I cannot wait to continue getting to know everyone- we have such as AWESOME class of 5th grade leaders!

This year in 5th grade, we are excited to continue working towards a blended learning environment with 2 large blocks of time in our schedule to provide a more authentic and engaging learning experience for our students. We are calling our morning block “STEAM” (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) and our afternoon block “ELA/Humanities" (Reading, Writing, Social Studies). Our students will still benefit from excellent instruction in reading, writing, math, social studies, and science; however, we are looking to the future as we incorporate technology and project-based learning within our integrated curriculum.

Here's what to expect this week in 5th grade:

STEAM- We are SO excited to begin using our Chromebooks! We are very fortunate to be able to provide a 1:1 experience in which every 5th grade student is paired with a laptop to use at school. We will begin “Chrome Camp” this week in which students will explore their new devices, ask questions from others, and teach others their new discoveries on how to best utilize the technology in our classroom setting. We will also begin learning how our STEAM workshop runs and begin our first math chapter on place value.

***Students will need a computer or device with Internet access for their nightly math homework. They will either log in to their Google account to access their homework through the Google classroom or they can use the Google classroom app. Students will show their work in their STEAM notebooks and be encouraged to bring home their math textbooks for extra help and extra practice if you feel it is necessary.

ELA- We will be discussing how our ELA workshop runs and begin our "Read to Self" training! We will explore what read to self looks like and will begin building our stamina so we can read for long periods of time. The absolute BEST way to become a better reader and enjoy reading is to dive in and READ! We will be discussing how to choose good fit books as well as the importance of REAL reading (THINKING while reading) vs. FAKE reading (reading the words without thinking of the text's meaning). We will also begin our first unit of study on analyzing themes with a focus on writing about our reading/thinking in our ELA notebooks.

This 1st week I encourage that you help your child build his/her reading stamina at home just like we will be building our stamina in school (we will start with 5 and work our way up to 20 minutes for homework). Students are responsible for reading the same book at home that they are reading at school. This will help students to focus on one book at a time and maintain our goal of reading more books this year than ever before! 

Homework- Homework will be texted using Remind 101 (if you have not signed up yet, please text @sch533 to 81010!) Students will also be aware of homework each night (if your student has a phone or device that receives texts, they are more than welcome to also sign up for Remind 101!) It is important to help your child find a good time and place to complete reading and homework each night. Thank you for all of your support at HOME! :)

Please CONNECT with our classroom→ 
Facebook: @MrsSchaefers5thGradeClass
Remind 101: text @sch533 to 81010 to sign up! 
Class Blog:

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Welcome to 5th Grade, Class of 2027!

Welcome to the 2019-2020 school year! I’m so glad you are in my class and I simply cannot wait to meet you! 

Isabel A., Noah A., Lily C., Kaden C., Will D., Elliott D., Lucas F., Michael F., Joy F., Caroline F., Luke G., Jillian H., Emily I., Gus J., Sydney J., Hudson K., Amelia L., 
Gwen O., Charlie P., Joshua R., Kathryn R., Aidan S., Kash S., Kyra S., Rose S.

Ice Cream Social/Meet the Teacher Night is Tuesday, August 13th from 5:30-7!
Last names N-Z from 5:30-6:15
Last names A-M from 6:15-7:00

Please CONNECT with our classroom 
Like Us on Facebook: @MrsSchaefers5thGradeClass (click on link)
Remind 101: text @sch533 to 81010 to sign up!