Monday, December 9, 2019

This week in Room 33! Dec. 9-13

This Week in Room 33! Dec. 9-13

This will be the last week to bring in any items for Helping Hands. 

What to expect this week in 5th grade…

ELA: We are continuing to work on our research report.  We are focusing on primary sources and citing sources within our reports.  Another important part of our writing process will be making sure to include our thinking by synthesizing across the texts we have read!  Research reports will be celebrated on Wednesday, December 18th before winter break.  

STEAM:  We will be reviewing chapter 5 and 6, multiplying and dividing with decimals, and having breakout sessions where students can move across the 5th grade classrooms to get more support or push their understanding.  We will also begin Chapter 7: Patterns and Expressions in math this week.  We will cover the topics of writing expressions and using the order of operations.  In science, be sure your ask your child how their data collection is going with tracking their water usage. Your child is working on an end of unit project where they are asked to track their water usage for a period of time. Between now and next Thursday (due Friday morning), they should choose 3 days to track their water usage and upload their data into their digital student notebook. They should also complete the reflection questions that follow this activity on the next page of their digital notebook. We will then use this data to develop a PSA to our Concord Flyer families about ways they can conserve water

Monday, December 2, 2019

This week in Room 33! Dec. 1-6

This Week in Room 33! Dec. 1-6

Image result for happy december photo"

I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday and had a chance to relax and recharge. The holiday season is my favorite time of year :) I can't believe we only have 3 weeks (15 school days) before winter break and the end of 2nd quarter!

STEAM:  We are excited to begin dividing decimals this week!  We will focus on dividing
decimals with models, dividing decimals by whole numbers and decimals, as well as by the powers of 10.  In science, we will study how we can reduce our carbon footprint.

ELA: This week we will be researching individuals who impacted the Civil War. Each
student was assigned one Civil War individual to research, and we will use articles, videos,
and books to conduct our research.  We are focusing on note-taking strategies, as well as how
to determine if a website is an appropriate site to use for research.

Looking ahead: 
-Scholastic book fair is Wednesday-Friday this week. I will send students who bring money to purchase at the end of the day. 
-World Holiday Festival is this Friday. Please wear your holiday best attire as we celebrate all of the holiday traditions in our Concord community. 
-Saturday is Winter Festival and choir performance 9-12. Purchase your tickets here

Winter Party Update:
The 5th grade teachers will be hosting the upcoming winter party on December 20th. Throughout the morning, students will be allowed to mingle with all of their 5th grade friends in a variety of settings. Students will have access to board/strategy math games, arts and crafts, snap circuits, legos, robots borrowed from the library, and much more. For the morning, we ask that students bring their own snack and drink if they choose. Students will not be participating in the traditional "party time" outlined for the rest of the school. We will not need any parent volunteers that day.

Monday, November 18, 2019

This Week in Room 33! Nov. 18-22

This Week in Room 33! Nov. 18-22

Reminders for the week

  • Fine Arts Night and PTG Meeting: We would like to invite all families to join us on Tuesday, November 19th at 6:00 p.m. for our 1st ever Fine Arts Night and PTG meeting.

  • Keep sending in Helping Hands items! This week is cleaning products!

  • There are still lots of items on the Giving Tree that are needing to be purchased. Please check out this link to see if you can help some of Concord's families.

  • This Friday, November 22 is Wacky Day!  Wear your wacky clothes, hair, socks, or anything you can think of!  Bring in some change or a couple dollars to raise money for helping hands.

Chain of Thankfulness 

Dear Families,

It is a great time of year to reflect on how lucky we are and think about what we are thankful for. On Tuesday, your child will bring home strips of construction paper for members of your family to fill out. We are creating a chain of thankfulness for our classroom and we would love for you to join us! 

Please write one thing you are thankful for on the strip of paper with your name on the back. This is not a required assignment, but more so a fun way to involve you in our classroom.
Thank you for your time and I hope to see some links come back soon!

What to expect this week in 5th grade...

ELA: This week we will be  studying the causes of the Civil War for our next writing unit. Students will spend each day on a different topic within the Civil War. We will use articles, videos, and books to cover each topic. The students will stop each day to reflect on the topic and write about it’s impact.  We are focusing on overcoming challenges of reading complex texts such as using context and morphology to figure out tricky vocabulary, determining main ideas/summarizing, noticing text structures, and monitoring our own reading. 

STEAM:  We are excited to begin multiplying decimals!  We will focus on multiplying decimals with models, multiplying decimals by whole numbers and decimals, as well as by the powers of 10.  In science, we will study the Earth’s systems and how they interact with each other. 

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

This week in Room 33! Nov. 11-15

This Week in Room 33! Nov. 11-15

Reminders this week: 
This week is paper products for Helping Hands.
Wednesday is our site visit to BizTown, each student will need to bring their lunch.
The students may dress up according to their job, if they wish.

What to expect this week in 5th grade...

ELA: Students will begin researching causes of the Civil War for our next writing unit. We will be spending the beginning of our unit  learning about the people and events that impacted the Civil War. We are learning how nonfiction texts are getting more complex as we are moving up in reading levels- the main ideas are implicit and the vocabulary is more difficult. We are learning strategies to overcome these challenges! 

STEAM:  We are about ready for the big site visit to BizTown! The students our focusing on filling out their checkbooks, figuring out the payroll tax on their paychecks at BizTown, and making sure their business are ready to open up! On Friday, we will start chapter 6,  multiplying and dividing decimals! We will first be multiplying decimals by whole numbers and then by  decimals by decimals.

In science, In this unit, students will learn about Earth’s systems and natural resources, ways that humans use natural resources, human impacts on Earth systems, and how humans can change behaviors to reduce impacts on the environment. We are testing our wind turbines, and redesigning our prototypes to establish a wind turbine that raises our weighted buckets  the fastest. 

Monday, November 4, 2019

This week in Room 33! Nov. 4-8

This Week in Room 33! Nov. 4-8

Thank you to everyone that helped to make our Halloween/Fall Party so special, the kids had a blast

Reminders this week: 
***Jingles for Jammies is Tuesday 11/5!!
***Helping Hands kicks off this week! Bring in those food items:)
***Veterans' Day Assembly is next Monday!!.
Biztown Permission Slip: CLICK HERE!  

What to expect this week in 5th grade...

ELA: Students are revising and editing their memoirs. They are due this Friday. The students are looking at adding more figurative language into their pieces and using the checklist to guide them as they revise.  Students are wrapping up their third round of book clubs (optional) and will be making a kahoot for their book club members to recap their discussions. 

STEAM:  Please ask your student to show you their math “Check My Progress” assessment from Wednesday  by logging into their Gmail. They did a great job with adding and subtracting decimals! We are ready to start chapter 6 next week- multiplying and dividing decimals! In the meantime we are getting ready for our site visit to BizTown. Students will be assigned their job and will begin working with their cohorts to get ready for the day.

Monday, October 28, 2019

This week in Room 33! Oct. 28-Nov. 1

This Week in Room 33! Oct. 28- Nov. 1

Important Reminders:
  • Please turn in pumpkin run permission slips. We will run from 11:40-12:00 on 10/31
  • The Fall Festival Party, 10/31,  begins at 1:40 with our parade, followed by the party.
  • Please return the BizTown permission slip
  • No school this Friday 11/1

What to expect this week...

ELA: We are still working on our memoirs and revising focusing on the structure,  internal and external timeline, and the theory behind our memoir. 

Students are encouraged to continue reading choice books but can also spend their time reading nonfiction texts! There are so many awesome websites to explore and r ead from---,,,,, and! Students can also access Myon and Brainpop from their Clever account.


We will continue to work on adding and subtracting decimals this week and using models and base-ten blocks. 

We will continue our “Biz Town” lessons, exploring and discussing our community and economy and work and careers. We will with a focus on taxes, private and public goods, interest and skills, and applying for a job! 

Fall Festival 2019-Action Needed!

With our new district name badge system, we would like to pre-print name badges for all visitors who plan to attend the Fall Festival. Please fill out the form below if you plan on attending the Fall Festival so that we can have you checked in and ready to go when you arrive. If you have not scanned your driver's license yet this school year in the front office, you will need to come in anytime prior to October 30th so we can pre-scan your ID. We have the capability to scan that day but lines may be long.

Please fill out this form for EACH guest attending regardless if they have been scanned yet.

Fall Festival Costume Guidelines

As you are preparing your child for their school party, please follow these guidelines when choosing a costume.

  • We discourage colored hair spray, but if you feel it is in keeping with the character, please spray hair before coming to school. No aerosol cans are allowed on the bus or at school.
  • Costumes should not be graphically violent such a bloody masks, stab wounds, or other injuries.
  • Costumes should not be offensive to any religion, race, or culture.
  • Face masks that cover the entire face are prohibited for safety reasons.
  • Costumes should not make any reference to substances that are prohibited for sale to minors.
  • Costumes should not depict any activity that would otherwise be considered a crime or illegal act.
  • Absolutely no weapons--real or pretend--or props that could cause injury. This includes, but it not limited to, knives, spears, hatchets, guns, and swords.

Monday, October 21, 2019

This week in Room 33! Oct. 21-24

This Week in Room 33! Oct. 21-24

We will be heading to Biz Town on November 13th. The permission slip was sent home last week.
Please return by November 6th. 

Today we will be having our hearing checked! 

There is no school this Friday, October 25th.

Unity Day-WEAR ORANGE on Wednesday!

Lindbergh Schools is proud to participate in Unity Day, which focuses on building community through
kindness, promoting acceptance and encouraging inclusion. This Wednesday, Oct. 23, we are asking
Lindbergh students, parents, staff and community to unite in support of a community without bullying.
Wear orange, spread kindness, and help build our Lindbergh community. Use the hashtag #FlyKind, and
you might see your photos shared on Lindbergh social media pages!

This week in 5th grade…

ELA: We are drafting our memoirs this week, and adding depth to our writing by
asking ourselves, “What is the deeper theme or message we want to convey?” We are
studying a variety of structures and using figurative language to help create depth.
We are learning that memoirs are a hybrid type of writing with narrative AND
expository portions.  Students are continuing their book club discussions, I am so proud
of their in depth conversations, they are really growing as learners.   

Now that we are starting the 2nd quarter, students will be reflecting on their reading
lives, and setting new goals. Has your student showed you their “40 Book Challenge”
Google slides??? Check out THIS article we will be discussing this week to boost our
reasons “why” we read! We also spend time meeting with a teacher to read and discuss
a variety of texts. We are using sites like NewsELA and ReadWorks.

We will continue our “Biz Town” lessons, exploring and discussing financial literacy.
Students are learning about the role of a bank, and what it means to hold a checking
account, and keep a transaction register! 

STEAM:   We will begin our study of adding and subtracting decimals (chapter 5).
We will be rounding decimals to estimate sums and will also show how to add decimals
with and without models. We will be blending this chapter with Biz Town, for balancing
a checkbook is all about adding and subtracting decimals. 

Monday, October 14, 2019

This Week in Room 33! Oct. 14-17

This Week in Room 33! Oct. 14-17

Important Reminders
P.E. Skating Permission Slips are due this week
Parent Volunteer Form for JA Biztown Field Trip (DUE 10/17) : Click HERE!
The JA Biztown form is only for those parents who wish to volunteer! We only
have a few volunteers as of now and are in need of many more.  Please consider
volunteering if you are able. Thank you! 

No school on Friday!!

The following is a BIG question we are exploring, discussing, and trying to answer
in 5th grade. Encourage your student to continue the discussion with YOU at

How can we celebrate diversity and welcome everyone into our

Over the past month we have studied the stories of diverse cultures and had many
conversations about how to celebrate and how to welcome and include others not
only into our classroom, but into our country. This focus has been weaved into
almost every aspect of our day and will continue to be for the remainder of first
If you have a chance to talk to your child about this question, having empathy,
spreading kindness, and how to make our community a better place, I hope you do.
Your kids have incredible ideas and they are showing us each and every day how
KIND they can to be to their peers regardless of ability, whether it be academic,
social, emotional, or physical. 

This week in 5th grade…

ELA: It is time for students to celebrate their narratives at home with families!
Students are responsible for completing a self-evaluation checklist (we will be
working on this Monday), add it to their Google site writing portfolio, and share
their glows and grows with YOU (by THURSDAY)! Students will be setting goals as we
embark on our 2nd piece this week.
We will challenge ourselves to reflect on our lives and the world around us as we write
our very own MEMOIR!  A memoir is a hybrid kind of writing, including elements of both
personal narrative and personal essay. We will be raising the level of our craft by adding
in more reflection, opinions, and thoughts. We will then be supporting our thoughts with
evidence in the form of personal stories!

We are excited to also begin our “Biz Town” lessons as we explore and discuss Financial

STEAM:   We are wrapping up our unit on division. We will be working on a performance
event to showcase their understanding on this topic tomorrow.  I cannot wait for
students to showcase our final project, within our  Food to Sun unit  this Thursday!
The “4 C’s” (Critical Thinking, Creativity, Collaboration, Communication) are booming
within this project.