Tuesday, February 27, 2018

This Week in Room 33! Feb. 26- March 2

This week in 5th grade...

Science: We are wrapping up matter and chemistry unit with an investigation and MAP prep style questions. 

Writing/Reading: We are working on researching as we draft our argument essay with a focus on adding powerful quotations, acknowledging counterclaims & adding responses/rebuttals, and appealing to our audience. We are drafting on Google docs through the Google classroom- ask your child to show you their work so far!

We are beginning our unit on measurement this week! We are measuring length to the nearest 1/2 inch and 1/4 inch, converting customary units of length, problem solving using logical reasoning, and estimating and converting customary units of weight.

Social Studies: We are continuing our study on the Industrial Revolution.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

This Week in Room 33! Feb. 20-23

Thank you, thank you for all the WONDERFUL treats and gifts from Valentine's Day- I really am the luckiest teacher! I hope everyone enjoyed their 4-day weekend!

Here's what to expect this week in 5th grade-

Science- We will be wrapping up our study on matter with a focus on differentiating between physical and chemical changes.

Math- This week we will be dividing unit fractions and whole numbers, problem solving by drawing diagrams and reviewing. Our multiplying and dividing fractions ch. 10 test will be next Tuesday.

Writing/Reading- We are beginning our writing unit on research-based argument essays! We have already begun the work of investigating to understand an argument within our reading lessons in the past 2 weeks. This week we will continue to research both sides of an issue, take a stance and flash draft our own argument text, and use evidence and quotes to build our arguments further.

Social Studies- We are studying the Industrial Revolution, focusing on the benefits and costs of industrialization.

Monday, February 12, 2018

This Week in Room 33! Feb. 12-15

We will be having a small Valentine's party in our room to celebrate on Wednesday! Students can bring in their own special snack/drink for our celebration.

Students are more than welcome to bring in valentines for all classmates, however, they cannot contain any food/candy product. Please see the class list below- we have 24 students! 
Thank you so much!

Lilly A., Adam B., Ivan C., Addy C., Brianna D., Luke D., Lauren H., Gavin H., Brendin K., Sarah P., Morgan R., Maya R., Cordi R., Adam S., Avery S., Cole C., Alana S., Jack S., Ben S., Mandy T., Jacob V., Anna W., Elizabeth W., Cameron S.

***Sperreng's counselors will be presenting on Thursday morning. Be on the lookout for a 6th grade course form coming home Thursday.

***There is no school Friday or Monday- enjoy your 4-day weekend!

Here's what to expect this week in 5th grade-

Science- We are continuing Chrome Camp! Students are discovering how to best utilize our new Chromebooks. Students are leading mini-sessions in our "Unconference" format- check it out HERE!. Thursday we will engage in an Unconference with all of 5th grade!
 Check out our Chromebook Wonder & Discovery Wall on Padlet! 

Reading-  We are researching debatable issues as we study arguments and advocacy! This week we will organize an ethical research life to investigate an issue within research teams. Have your student show you their debatable issue's text set on padlet (link in their Google classroom). 

Writing-  We are wrapping up our mini-unit on writing a fantasy narrative. Students are busy drafting, revising, and editing with a focus on fantasy elements such as setting, characters with internal/external quests or problems, and resolutions. Stories are due Tuesday, 2/20.

Math- We are busy working on multiplying and dividing fractions this week! Students are not just learning the steps, they are learning how to show visually with models in order to truly understand the algorithm. I couldn't be prouder of the math discussions we have each day! See the below video we will watch in class to really understand fraction multiplication!

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Our classes Google Chrome Book constitution 📜🖋💻👏🤗😃 ❤️💻❤️

This Week in Room 33! Feb. 5-9

Image result for jump rope for heart

***Early Release is this Wednesday.
***Jump Rope for Heart is this Friday!

Here's what to expect this week in 5th grade-

Science- Chrome Camp! We officially have our Chromebooks and already they are a HUGE HIT! During science time for the next two weeks we will be exploring our new devices, asking questions from others, and teaching others our new discoveries on how to best to utilize the technology in our classroom setting. 

Reading- We are beginning a new unit- Argument and Advocacy. We are evaluating claims, reasons, and evidence that are presented in argument texts.

Writing- We are exploring a fantasy writing unit. This is a quick 2-week unit in which students will draft, revise, edit, and publish a short fantasy story. 

Math- Tuesday is our Ch. 8 and 9 test. On Wednesday, we will start chapter 10 on multiplying and dividing fractions! 

Social Studies- We are beginning to study the Industrial Revolution.