Friday, December 18, 2015

Genius Hour

Genius Hour Projects!

Check out the above link for some of our genius hour projects. We loved sharing our projects with our 2nd grade buddies- check out the album below!

Genius Hour

Uncovering Clues From History

I couldn't be prouder of our historical research reports! Check them out with the link below!

Spreading Holiday Cheer & Pictures from Our Party!

Check out the albums below from our caroling field trip and the awesome winter party! Thank you, thank you, thank you to all of YOU for making this a special day for our class!
Caroling! Winter Party!!!!

Monday, December 14, 2015

This Week in Room 33! Dec. 14-17

How can you not read that and break into song? :) I am so excited for our 5th graders to go caroling this Wednesday! I also cannot believe we have made it to our last week of 2014! I am so very grateful for the time I have had with your students and am looking forward to seeing everyone in 2015! Happy Holidays to YOU and your families!

Here's what to expect this week in 5th grade-

Science- We have completed chapter 3 on classifying living things. We will review in class on Tuesday and our test will be on Wednesday. Students should use their textbook to study.

*** Please see the post below on PRISM!

Writing- We are completing our unit on informational writing by writing an on-demand research report on the Transcontinental railroad using the 2 sources we studied last week.

Math- Our chapter 5 and 6 test on adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing decimals is tomorrow (Tuesday). Students should study using their study guide that we worked on last week and today, they can also study using their textbook (there are MANY practice problems in the book throughout each lesson) or online textbook.

Reading- We will spend time this week with our read aloud- The Boy in the Striped Pajamas and continue to focus on how reader's can have deep discussions about fiction. We will also discuss our reading goals for winter break- what will your student be reading? Share this article with family over break--
Science Shows Something Surprising About People Who Still Read Fiction

Wed. 12/16- Caroling Field Trip 9:15-12
Thurs. 12/17- Winter Party 2-3
Fri. 12/18- No School! Have a WONDERFUL break! 

Thinking Ahead to PRISM!


I just wanted to send a quick update about PRISM. It is NOT mandatory for 5th graders to complete the PRISM project but highly suggested and encouraged! 

IF students choose to complete a project at home, there is a suggested timeline, a sheet with possible investigation ideas/websites, and a proposal sheet. I would highly encourage your student to use these tools (located in the science tab of this blog!) if they would like to participate. 

The first step is choosing a testable question that they want to investigate (it must be measurable!) If your student is interested, I would encourage them to complete the proposal sheet and turn in to me next week so I can go over it with them and make sure they are on the right track. 

Thank you for all your help and encouragement at home. I highly suggest participating because it is a FANTASTIC way to get hands-on practice with the scientific method and performing investigations (a BIG part of the 5th grade curriculum and state-wide testing). If you have any questions, please let me know! 
See below for more information-
Here is a link to the suggested timeline, it is also posted in the Science tab- PRISM 5th Grade Suggested Timeline.

See below for more information-

***Concord’s Maker Fair
We will be having a Maker Fair (Previously PRISM night) on February 18th from 3:30-6.  If anyone is interested in doing a PRISM project at home and getting started over the holiday break, here is the link with the information.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

This Week in Room 33! Dec. 7-11

*Last week to bring in items for Helping Hands! We are almost at our goal of 300 items!

*Permission slips for our Caroling Field Trip went home today! Please complete and return by Friday!

What to expect this week...

Science- We are wrapping up our study on classifying living things with lesson 3 on classifying plants. Our chapter 3 test will be next Wed. Dec. 16th. A study guide will be sent home later this week- you can also view it HERE!

Writing- I could not be prouder of our class' hard work and dedication to these historical research reports- I cannot wait to celebrate their published pieces tomorrow! Check out the writing tab for the Informational Writing Checklist that we use to evaluate our work.  Portfolios will come home tomorrow for you to celebrate your student's work and compare it against the checklist as a self-evaluation. Portfolios are due back with a signature by Friday.

We will spend some time later this week and next week looking into an informational writing performance task to wrap up our unit. We will look at multiple texts on a similar topic (the Transcontinental railroad), answer research questions, and write a final informational piece showing all that we have learned about this genre!

Math- This week we are dividing decimals by decimals and dividing by powers of 10 (ask your student about the song "Swoop, there it is!" and also the decimal dance!) We will be reviewing chapters 5 and 6 on Thursday, Friday, and Monday. Our ch. 5/6 test will be next Tue. Dec. 15th. We will work on a study guide in class this week.

Reading- We have been enjoying spending extra time reading aloud The Boy in the Striped Pajamas really discussing the author's perspective on the Holocaust, discussing our own opinions on the time period as well as interpreting the main character Bruno's perspective.

Social Studies- We are finishing up our study on the Age of Exploration as we discuss Spanish conquests and New Spain.


12/9- Early Release
12/9- Published research report celebration!
12/15- Ch. 5/6 Math Test
12/16- Caroling Field Trip & Ch. 3 Science Test
12/17- Winter Party

Christmas is here!(Well almost.)

Thank you to EVERYBODY who brought in an ornament for the tiny tree in the little tiny corner that we love! (Thanks Lila and thanks Miles for the awesome tree skirt!)
Look at all the colorful ornaments that everybody brought in!

Friday, December 4, 2015

Crazy hair day!

Today was crazy hair day!
Thank you everyone who brought $1 to help are helping hands campaign!
We are loving the hair and we might even have a contest to see who has the craziest hair!

Publish is Popular in this class

Writing our Report on historical events!

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Pictures from today!

Sammie and Olivia reading! Olivia on left reading the water castle and Sammie reading out of the dust!

Thank you for everyone who brought in a puzzle! We are working on them a ton!
Oh wait! That's Jeremy putting in the last piece!
And also remember to bring an ornament for the class tree!

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Oh, Christmas Tree!

The holiday season is finally here!
Let's bring into our classroom some holiday cheer.
We have a beautiful tree (thanks Lila!), but it's awfully bare.
So how about you bring in an ornament to share?!
The ornament you bring can be big or quite small,
It could be an angel, reindeer, or even a basketball.
Please bring in an ornament that represents you,
And all of your classmates will bring in one too.
Oh, how beautiful those ornaments will be!
They surely will light up our tree.
Thank you for sharing your special ornament with us.
If you don't have one to share, it's really no fuss!

(Ornaments will be returned before we leave for break.)

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

This Week in Room 33! Nov. 30- Dec. 4

This week we are discussing random acts of kindness and how we can take small moments to do kind things for others, even strangers! Ask your student what their thoughts are on the following video (we watched this in class today). Enjoy!

This week...

Science: In our science workshop, students will be able to explain how animals are classified based on their characteristics.

Writing: This week we are revising, editing, and publishing their 2nd research report. We will be celebrating our finished work on Wed. Dec. 9th!

Math: This week in math, we are working on multiplying decimals by powers of 10, problem solving by looking at patterns, multiplication properties, estimating quotients, and dividing decimals by whole numbers. 

Social Studies: We are comparing and contrasting the first European and Spanish explorers.

Reading:  We are looking at comparing and contrasting what authors say and how they say it by looking at a variety of texts on the same topic. We will focus on how readers don't just think about information in a text, they also try and figure out the perspective of the author of the text and how they may be swaying you to think a certain way.


12/2-5 Book Fair 
12/5- Concord Winter Festival
12/9- Early Release
12/9- Published research report due

Time to Publish