Tuesday, April 30, 2013

April 29th

Today we started our science Map session 1. In gym we went outside and played soccer. In social studies we are studying the continental convention. In science we studied health. Then we worked on our dare essay.

Posted by Aaron

Monday, April 29, 2013

Busy with exponents!!!!!!!!

Today for math we talked about exponents. DARE essay is due next Thursday. For ALL you Cardinal lovers tonight Lindbergh High School is going to be at Bush Stadium so watch it!!!

Posted by Megan

This Week in Room 33! April 29- May 3

What to expect this week in 5th grade:

This is our last week of MAP testing for your 5th grader! We will be taking the Science MAP test on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday of this week. Thank you for helping your child get a good night's sleep, have a good breakfast, and be ready to go each morning! Remember, Concord breakfast during MAP testing is only $0.50!

We are in need of some more trail mix items- pretzels, goldfish, etc. Thank you again for all of your contributions. We currently have chocolate chips and packages of cookies left. We also have a bag of Tostitos, 1 jar of salsa, and 2 cans of cheese for a chips and salsa snack for Thursday. We could use some more tortilla chips and salsa/cheese so there is enough for everyone! Thank you!!!! :)

Math- We are moving on in math! This week we are working on exponents, factor trees, and multiplying fractions. There will be no math homework this week due to MAP testing.

Social Studies- We will have our first states and capitals quiz next Tuesday, May 7th. This week we are discussing the Constitutional Convention, the Constitution, and President Washington.

Reading/Writing- We are continuing to read and write poetry as we prepare to compile our favorite published poems and original poems into a poetry portfolio. We are also working on drafting our D.A.R.E. essays. The essay is due next Thursday, May 9th. Words contract is due this Friday. Our spelling tests will also be on Friday.

Some Reminders:

  • Home Run Club for April is this Friday!
  • Please turn in middle school orientation forms by this Friday. The middle school orientation is next Thursday, May 9th. Students will arrive back at Concord by 4:00. They may be picked up or choose to ride a bus. The form was sent home last week. I will email those parents that still need to turn theirs in. 
  • No School on Friday, May 17th
  • 5th Grade Party is on Tuesday, May 21st.
  • 5th Grade Recognition and DARE Graduation is on Wednesday, May 22nd starting at 10:30.
  • May 23rd is the last day of school and a half day!
Enjoy your week and keep encouraging your kiddos as they finish up their MAP testing! I am SO proud of them and all their hard work!!!!

-Mrs. Schaefer

Friday, April 26, 2013

Pretzel boys!

One thing that stuck with me is today every one in the school got a pretzel for doing so good on the map test. Don't forget that words contract is due next Friday. Have a nice weekend! :)

Posted by Anonymous

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Beast blog

Today we finished the book Love That Dog. It was sad at the end but was pretty good. Before block we had buddies. Oh and Jon read a book to us at dismissal!

Posted by Harry

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Map test

Today we had the first map test math edition. It took us all about 45 minutes. After we had a really good snack mix. Don't forget to do your word contract!!!!!! :)

By Owen Green

Monday, April 22, 2013

This Week in Room 33! April 22-26

What to expect this week in 5th grade:

I am SO proud of all of our HARD WORK last week on the Communication Arts (Reading) MAP test! Now I am SO excited for us to show what we know on that Math test! We couldn't be more prepared and ready.

 Please make sure your child gets a good night sleep and has a healthy breakfast. There is always the option to have breakfast at school (only $0.50 during MAP weeks!) We will have our Math MAP Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday this week. Keep up the positive encouragement at home! Thank you for all you do to get your student to school on time and ready to do their best.

Thank you so much for all of the trail mix donations! The kids have LOVED their snack time after MAP testing! :)

Some reminders:

  • Words contract is due Friday, May 3rd. Students have time to work on this during morning work and sometimes during reading.
  • DARE essay is due Thursday, May 9th. Students will have class time to work on this.
  • We are starting a poetry unit in reading and writing. Students will complete a poetry portfolio in class. 
  • We are beginning our study on the states and capitals in Social Studies this week. Our first quiz will be on Tuesday, May 7th. 
  • Early Release is this Wednesday! Dismissal is at 1:40.
Have a wonderful week!

-Mrs. Schaefer

Our Awesome Day

Today we did math and we went over buckled down. In smath we played Zap. In science we reviewed for the map test. For block we had gym. We were playing  a game that you throw balls to look for  a prize. Remember map test tomorrow Math.

Friday, April 19, 2013


Today we reviewed the requirements for the dare assignment. We have to write 5 paragraphs on what we learned in dare and how we used it in our lives. We also had our math assignment due today and we were assigned a new words contract and got our new word sort. Don't forget the math MAP test is on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. So get a good night sleep and eat a good nutritious breakfast! Have a good weekend!

Written by Noah

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Stuff By Jenoha

Today we went back to our normal schedule, so first we had math next we had smath and then we had science after that we had Gym. Our D.A.R.E essay sheet is due May 9, 2013.Remember, no more MAP until next week!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Circus Time

Today we went and watched the second annual circus. It was fun we saw lions, and seals, and clowns oh my! We also saw dancers and basket ball stars. Don't forget lit circle and #13 math assignment are due Friday. And we will still have M.A.P next week. Have a great day!

Posted By: Amy

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Soccer In Gym

Today in gym we played soccer we practiced dribbling, toe touches, and in-betweens. I had fun and I hope other people had fun. Eat a good breakfast and get a good nights sleep:)

Monday, April 15, 2013

Map Test Tomorrow!

Tomorrow we start our reading map test! Eat a good breakfast, get good sleep and come prepared! Don't forget we have lit circles on Friday and the math review due on Friday!
- post by Brett

Sunday, April 14, 2013

This Week in Room 33! April 15-19

What to expect this week in 5th grade:

MAP time is HERE! We are READY and I am so excited for us to show that test all that we know!!! If you have not sent in a letter for your student please do so tomorrow (Monday) so I can have it ready for them to read before they start the test on Tuesday.

We will be taking the Communication Arts test on Tuesday and Wednesday this week. Please make sure your student gets a good night sleep, has a healthy breakfast, and is here on time.

Thank you to those of you who brought in trail mix items! I know the kids are looking forward to our snack time this week! :)

Math assignment #14 is due Friday. We are still having literature circles this week.

Enjoy your week!

-Mrs. Schaefer

Friday, April 12, 2013

Jack's blog yo

Today we went to a map assembly and Caleb got to hit an out of the park without trying (just a chip off his shoulder).

Thursday, April 11, 2013


In class today we reviewed translations, reflections, and rotations.

Reminders: Don't forget tomorrow is Cardinals day!

Posted by Jacob

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Our relaxing and fun experience!

Today in reading we played Jeopardy about context clues. Later today we were getting a little out of control, so Mrs. Schaefer let us meditate. Do not forget that #13 assignment and Lit Circles are due Friday!!!

Posted by Emina

This Week in Room 33! April 8-12

This week students are participating in our 5th grade MAP INTENSE PREP! We have been moving to each classroom and learning with ALL the 5th grade teachers! Ask your student what they have been reviewing with each teacher.


  • If you can, please send in some trail mix type snacks for our class. This may include pretzels, marshmallows, chex mix, M&Ms, etc. Each day after we take the test we will be able to enjoy a snack together to celebrate!
  • This Friday is our character and MAP assembly. Students can wear Cardinals gear and baseball caps!
  • MAP testing starts next Tuesday. We will be testing every Tue., Wed., and Thurs. for the next 3 weeks! Next week will be reading, then math, and lastly, science. Please make sure your child is getting a good night sleep and a good breakfast. Thank you for all of your support at home! 
Have a FANTASTIC rest of the week!

-Mrs. Schaefer

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Smiley Blog

Today in class in we had another intense day were we would travel to different classrooms reviewing stuff for the map. We learned Mrs.Schaefer likes, I mean, loves, the Backstreat Boys. Report card signatures due tomorrow!

Monday, April 8, 2013

Map Intense week

Today we switched classes. In Mrs.Housers, we did a game and in Mr.Nalik we did problem and solution and In Mrs.Teruk we did fractions.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Special Message for Parents!

Dear Parents,

We are busy gearing up for MAP testing at Concord Elementary! One of the most important factors influencing a student's performance on the MAP test is a solid connection between home and school. When kids are encouraged by their teachers AND parents our students truly understand the importance of doing their personal best. We would like for each student taking the MAP test to receive a personalized letter or card from a family member. Please write up a little note of encouragement and send it in to your child's teacher by Wednesday, April 10th. You can even email it if you find that you're short on time! We appreciate the extra effort you give to make sure your child is well-rested, happy, and focused during our testing!

Thank you! :)

The most exciting of the day was.....

For evaluate, we reached 90 percent as a class goal. So we decided to have a tent party!!!!!! We brought our own blankets and pillows and made our tents. And I gotta say, it was awesome!!!!!!!

Posted by Megan w

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Hollywood stars await!!!!!!

Today during writing we dressed up as Hollywood stars and interviewed and wrote an article about there partner who dressed up as a Hollywood star! It was very entertaining and fun! Don't forget our party is tomorrow and bring in a G rated movie and bring in sheets, blankets and pillows for the tents that we get to watch the movie in! Assignment #12 is due tomorrow and cold read " The Contest " is due tomorrow!

- Emily C!¡!¡!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

New jobs

Today we applied for new jobs. Now everybody has a different class job. And who ever had the job before has to teach the person that has the job now! Don't forget to do your cold read and math assignment.
By Owen green

Monday, April 1, 2013

This Week in Room 33! April 1-5

What to expect this week in 5th grade:

Math- We are BUSY in math practicing everything we have learned this year in preparation for our MAP test! We are SO excited to show off what we know on that test. We are definitely ready! Assignment #12 is due Friday.

Social Studies- We are continuing our study of chapter 8 on the American Revolution.

Reading- We are working on comparing passages, context clues, and root words/affixes this week! Don't forget to always have a good fit book to read. Read to self continues to be one of our most important parts of the day! We are adding an activity called "Read, Pair, Share" this week after our Daily 3 choices so students have a chance to explain to a partner what they are reading about. The cold read "The Contest" is due Friday.

Writing- We are reviewing writing letters this week. Ask your student what the 5 parts of a letter are and where it is important to remember capital letters and commas. We are also going to be interviewing each other this week and becoming reporters!

Reminders: MAP testing begins Tuesday, April 16th. Let's hit a GRAND SLAM on the MAP!!!!
Early Release is Wed. April 24th.

Have a WONDERFUL week!

-Mrs. Schaefer :)

Spring Training!

Today was the first day of spring training. Spring training is when all the kids in 5th grade practice for the map test. Today in reading we did this thing when you compare two stories.

Posted by Emily R. and Kaley