Sunday, September 8, 2019

This Week in Room 33! Sept. 9-12

I am looking forward to our parent-teacher intake conferences this Tuesday and Thursday.  Be sure to sign up for a time slot or check out your scheduled time using THIS LINK! 
To prepare for this parent-led conference, please click HERE for a survey (answers are only shared with me). We can use these questions to guide our discussion. 

The following is a BIG question we are exploring, discussing, and trying to answer in 5th grade as we continue our read aloud of Home of the Brave and express our opinions in our next literary essays/book club conversations. Encourage your student to continue the discussion with YOU at home!

How can we celebrate diversity and welcome refugees & immigrants into our community? 

This week in 5th grade…

STEAM: We are continuing our 2nd chapter this week on multiplying whole numbers with a focus on prime factorization, powers & exponents, multiplication patterns, problem solving using a table, and multiplying using partial products and the distributive property. This will be a QUICK chapter, as multiplication is mostly a REVIEW from 4th grade. Keep working on those basic multiplication facts at home! 

Also in STEAM, we are continuing our science lessons in the unit From Sun to Food by wrapping up our bean and sprouter investigations as we answer the question, “How do growing conditions affect bean growth?” We will also begin to answer the question, “What happens to plants after they die?” with a decomposition investigation. 

ELA: Wow! We are doing some deep thinking and hard work in ELA! We are learning that we need our brains on FULL POWER to really dig deep into our independent books. Reading can be SO MUCH MORE than just reading at the surface level if we put our mind to it!

We are beginning books clubs this week! Students will be working hard on reading pages and pages of their book club books by following their reading assignments they create for class reading time and for reading at home. We will be working on having meaningful, supportive, and thoughtful book club discussions- ask your student for different discussion sentence starters they are trying at school and encourage them at home as well!

In ELA, we are also beginning our second literary essay.  Each student will be closely reading and analyzing a picture book in which they will write their essay on. We will be choosing strong thesis statements and finding evidence in the form of quotes and analysis of craft to prove our thesis. 

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