Sunday, September 15, 2019

This Week in Room 33! Sept. 16-20

One message in school that we are always focusing on is having a growth mindset! The above image is an example of how to change our thinking from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset. You may have heard some quotes from your students that we use in class→  "When you're done, you've only just begun!" or "We learn from our mistakes!" and "It's okay to fail- that's how we get better!" There is ALWAYS room to grow and room for improvement- this is just another reason why we always set goals and WORK to achieve them!

The following is a BIG question we are exploring, discussing, and trying to answer in 5th grade as we continue our read aloud of Home of the Brave and express our opinions in our next literary essays/book club conversations. We will also celebrate Constitution Day on Tuesday with breakout sessions on topics including the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, Bill of Rights, Government branches, and the process of becoming a U.S. citizen. Encourage your student to continue the discussion with YOU at home!

How can we celebrate diversity and welcome refugees & immigrants into our community? 

This week in 5th grade...

ELA:  This week we are beginning our work on having meaningful and thoughtful discussions within our book clubs. Students are expected to be reading up to their group's stopping point each day/night so they are prepared to be an important contributor within their book club discussions. 

In our literary essay unit, students will be working to write a strong thesis statement about one or more of these picture books. They will also collect evidence such as quotes from the text and retell parts of the text to support their claim all while organizing their sentences within a 5 paragraph essay structure. 

STEAM: We are wrapping up our study of Ch. 2 (Multiplying Whole Numbers) this week as we are multiplying 3-digit numbers by 1-digit and 2-digit numbers. We will end our unit with a final real world project in which students will build and outfit their own resort utilizing their multiplication skills! 

***It is SO IMPORTANT that your student knows their basic multiplication facts. Please quiz your child and have them practice in ALEKS (QuickTables) or try this site→ MATH MAGICIAN. Thank you for all your hard work at home- it REALLY pays off! 

In science, we are working hard to understand the process of photosynthesis all while continuing to revise and create our own pizza farm model from our new learning. Feel free to ask your student to give you a tour of their Google Classrooms and Google Drive because we are using these every day to record and show our work in all subject areas!

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