Sunday, February 23, 2020

This Week in Room 33! Feb. 24-28

What to expect this week in 5th grade…
ELA: Students are continuing to read their book club books and hold thought-provoking and student-led book club discussions. Students are drafting their research-based argument essays with a focus on balancing evidence with analysis (our thinking), acknowledging counterclaims, offering responses/rebuttals, and appealing to the audience. We will be using this Opinion Writing Checklist to revise/edit our work. We are studying apostrophes as a grammar focus. We are learning and noticing how we use apostrophes to show either ownership or contractions. 

STEAM: As a reminder, students can log into their Gmail to view their math check in scores and share/discuss with you! We are busy working on dividing fractions this week! Students are not just learning the steps, they are learning how to show visually with models in order to truly understand the algorithm. I couldn't be prouder of the math discussions we have each day! 

In science, we are working on our end of unit project as we are answering the following question→ How can we analyze and interpret data to write an opinion piece about where we want to spend our next birthday? We will utilize scientific data/research as our evidence to support our reasons why.

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